It's finally happening (eventually). Wizards of the Coast is giving Oathbreaker its time in the sun (after we go around it a few more times). Click for more details.
It's finally happening (eventually). Wizards of the Coast is giving Oathbreaker its time in the sun (after we go around it a few more times). Click for more details.
Laid off Hasbro employees shocked to discover that 96% of their severance packages were just surplus March of the Machine: The Aftermath boosters.
This eye doctor is asking patients "Does the Buggin' Out copy of Grist, The Hunger Tide look better with one or two?"
Upon seeing this, Dichaelis looked down at the 30th Anniversary Mind Twist proxy that cost them over $600 and began to weep.
A joke piece of art from years ago becomes the center of yet another art controversy for the major trading card game.
“If you think about it, the King James Bible was the first errata.” said Fyve between handing out fidget spinner crosses.
The former lover of green has changed his ways, and it starts with getting rid of a very toxic deck in his life.
For skeletons, I use the person whose face I saw every day for years. The beautiful, ethereal face I see leering into my blackened heart every time I close my eyes…
Who cares about Marvel characters on Magic cards when you could be playing with Magic characters on Marvel cards?
Commander enthusiast Melanie Grayson made the decision today to scrap her 2011 Mimeoplasm deck and wanted to make their last day together a good one.
Looking to spice up your day and blow up your phone with notifications from angry strangers? Try ChatGPT's new Magic Twitter controversy feature!
The future is what you make it, as long as...oh crap, she just cast a Mircale'd Terminus off the top, that can't be a good omen.
"I was gonna run hatebears, but then I realized that'd involve considering my opponents' point of view and I'm really not up for that right now."
Before consumers spend money on the new boosters, Wizards just needs to make one quick change to the name again.
We can't see Dr. Manhattan's junk, but right on the main character's face clear as day is my dad sucking my mom's toes.
The prolific director has made his opinion known about Marvel movies, so what does he think about the forthcoming Magic cards?
Many fans are excited for new Fallout Magic cards, but they might not know of the difficulties of printing a set full of bugs.
They keep catering to this casual format, when they should be catering to literally nobody. That's how they made the Reserved List, and that's how they should make everything.
Bad Dragon is a company that makes fantasy-based products, but unfortunately not the kinds of products Wizards wants to be associated with.
"Mhmm yes I am single legendary creature." Rograkh said while stumbling around in comically oversized sleeves. "Am a goblin with many keyboards."
Will you be lucky enough to pull The One Ring? Yes, since it is the only card in this newly-announced Masters set.
"Sheoldred, the Apocalypse being a nuisance is far lower on the totem pole than rats swimming in the deep fryer."
Try to act shocked: there's a huge issue with a card WOTC recently printed. This time, though, it involves a swear word!
"We want to keep the game fun for everyone," said Canks. "Except for Kevin. Seriously, **** that guy. Fast mana warps the entire game, and Kevin warps my fundamental belief that human beings are inherently good."
The Rakdos stand in solidarity with the striking workers, and the workers reluctantly deal with the blood demons and fiery weirdos.
"Look, do you want to play card games at a table like a loser or with badass holograms?" said Duel Disk inventor and solar elevator salesman Seto Kaiba.
The Speaker of The House is ready to take down the president for something as simple as a son's banlist violation.
When you have to pay a fee every time you install a game, just think of it as paying the one for a Rhystic Study tax.