Socially Anxious Sliver Makes Family Worry

Bonescythe Sliver | Art by Brad Rigney
KALONIAN WILDS, SHANDALAR - The newest Prime addition to the glorious Shandalarian Sliver Hive has reportedly been dealing with severe clinical anxiety, a mental health problem which has the rest of the hivemind gravely concerned.
"I just don't want everyone else looking at me and thinking I'm weird," buzzed Uneasy Sliver through the great hum. "I feel like if I open my armpits to vibrate my auditory glands, folks are gonna make fun of me. So I just stay quiet and keep to myself most of the time."
The insectoid recluse has reportedly been secreting their distress, alongside the usual pheromones, everywhere it goes. This has everyone else in the hive feeling apprehensive.
"We feel so bad for them," hummed Predatory Sliver
"It's quite a strange development," said Llawan, Cephalid Empress
"I'm worried too," hummed the Sliver Hivelord
Thankfully, Uneasy Sliver's mental health seems to be improving every day through vibrating with Counseling Slivers. They even went out with some friends for the first time in months and devoured a bunch of villagers to celebrate.