Magic Player Trying to Finish Deck Excitedly Clicks on "Singles In Your Area" Ad

Toledo, OH - Local gamer Edwin Skaclowski, anticipating a look at Magic: The Gathering cards available in his town, recently clicked on a "Singles In Your Area" internet advertisement to mixed results.
The ad, like similar ads for online dating sites, refers to "single" members of the site looking for a sexual relationship, not individual playing cards. Skaclowski recalls when he realized this.
"I'm in the middle of making my new Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon
"Next thing I know, I've got a bunch of good-looking women all over my screen, some without clothes even. That's fine, I guess, but nowhere on that site could I find a listing for FNMs or anything. I don't know what half-naked women have to do with singles, other than Earthbind
The website Skaclowski found, Singles-locator.cum, is run by owner/operator, Mr. Sandy Crunce. We contacted Mr. Crunce, who claims this mix-up happens more often than you'd think.
"I usually deal with antisocial lonely men on the daily, but these Magic guys are worse," said Crunce during a phone interview that we paid $5.99 a minute for. "Always asking me for cards and not understanding wordplay while I'm trying to run an illegitimate business. At this point, I might as well change into a card-selling business anyway and try my luck at the secondary market. I started looking into things and found out you can make some serious money with this game; did you hear how expensive Spellweaver Volute has gotten?"
Skaclowski stated he had planned to make a trip to a local Home Depot in order to get help from professionals on finishing the deck, then we explained why that was wrong, too.