Michael Celani isn't saying Rampant Growth is completely useless, but it's not good enough to deserve its top twenty-five position on Scryfall!
Michael Celani isn't saying Rampant Growth is completely useless, but it's not good enough to deserve its top twenty-five position on Scryfall!
Love awkward rule zero discussions? Read up on the 10 saltiest commanders in Magic, each one more frustrating than the last.
He believes that tutors are unhealthy for the format, Universes Beyond is bad, and that maybe WotC designs too many cards for Commander.
According to EDHREC, Prosper, Tome-Bound is easily the most popular Rakdos commander, and the Tiefling has earned himself quite a reputation...
Yeah, yeah, Razaketh is really exciting and we're all looking forward to Commander Masters, but have you seen this photo of Jason Alt?
The latest CUT challenge insists on a commander from 2023, a card from a Phyrexian set and thirty non-reprint cards. Vote for the winner!
Having problems with feelings of anger, hunger or avarice? Found yourself contorting in strange positions as you speak a forbidden language? Welcome to Belzencombo.
If you had to play a commander with less than 250 decks on EDHrec, which one would you choose? It's Tymaret vs Gabriel in the latest CUT!
How does winning via an alternate win condition stack up in Commander, and do some win conditions make you the Bolas? Mike weighs in.
Tutors make up important parts of many EDH deck builds for many different reasons, and today Commander Mechanic highlights how to best use them in your decks!
Lyra Dawnbringer by Chris Rahn Evaluating cards incorrectly is one of the biggest pitfalls Commander deckbuilders can find themselves in, and often, that begins with evaluating them in a vacuum. EDHRec is a fantastic resource if you know how to use…