Man Can't Play Annoying Vampire Deck Unless His Opponents Invite Him To

SPOONER, WI - Chris Steward was excited to play his convoluted Edgar Markov
Said controversial deck is built around Eminence, the elegant mechanic lauded for its interactivity. Edgar gives them a free Vampire every time you cast a Vampire, and we stan an mpreg king. The muddled pile of tutors and desperation aims to find Phyrexian Altar
Steward's playgroup came to loathe the deck and insisted Chris only play it when everyone's up for it/needs a nap.
"I don't mind combos," said Chris's friend Pobert Rattinson, "but every game he just tutors and stax'x's us out with Drannith Magistrate
Stewart, known for his deathly pale complexion and only playing at night because he wakes up at 3:30 pm most days, has not taken to the regulations well.
"Yeah, those dorks set up a bunch of house rules just for me," said Chris as blood dripped from his teeth. "Ugh, sorry, just flossed for the first time since 2004. Anyways, 'You can only play that deck if everyone agrees and lets it in, you can't eat garlic bread then rub your greasy ass hands over everyone's cards, and no crossing running water'. God, I fell into the creek with Rattinson's trade binder ONE TIME and they never let me live it down.
Stewart's other restrictions include only playing Tovolar, Dire Overlord
"It's just so boooring," said another player shuffling up Atraxa Superfriends. "Last time he Teferi's Protection
It remains to be seen how effective a stake through the heart is, but if Chris plays one more Smothering Tithe