Are Uncommon Legends Getting Better and Better? - Bulk Up!
In today's Bulk Up! Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks takes a look back at the most played Uncommon Legendary creatures of 2024.
Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks has been playing Magic and creating lighthearted content for over a decade. With a focus on building Commander decks on a budget, he is always looking for new ways to save cash! When he isn't shuffling through bulk bins (so you don't have to), he can be found on the Magic YouTube channel 'The Pillow Fort'!
In today's Bulk Up! Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks takes a look back at the most played Uncommon Legendary creatures of 2024.
Well, 2024 is in the books, and what a year it has been! From the mythics all the way down to the commons, we've seen a lot of instant classics.
Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks is here with a list of valuable commons & uncommons you need to look out for while opening packs during the holidays!
Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks showcases some great budget includes from the latest Foundations Jumpstart set. Plus, some great reprints with new art!
Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks finds great card draw spells hidden in the bulk of Foundations, Modern Horizon's III and even Assassin's Creed!
Tyler scours boxes of Foundations product in search of the best budget bulk cards you might have missed!