Am I The Bolas? - Play it as it Lies
How do you feel about turning back time and rewinding a turn in Commander if someone changes their mind?
Mike Carrozza is a stand-up comedian from Montreal who’s done a lot of cool things like put out an album called Cherubic and worked with Tig Notaro, Kyle Kinane, and more people to brag about. He’s also been an avid EDH player who loves making silly stuff happen. @mikecarrozza on platforms
How do you feel about turning back time and rewinding a turn in Commander if someone changes their mind?
Tracking your Commander games can be a lot of fun, but how much should you read into the data you get back?
Should you always be wary of a player who doesn't have much to say during the rule zero conversation?
Is it bad manners to build a better version of a deck that someone in your playgroup is already playing?
Go fast or go home with this review of the best allied and shard cards for Commander in Aetherdrift.
Is it worth taking out a threatening deck before it actually gets off the ground or is that against the spirit of Commander?
How do you feel about hoser cards? The type of cards that just completely hose a single strategy.
Is it worth going for a double agent strategy if neither side knows who you're working for?
What do you do if someone at your table just can't stand your favorite mechanic? Mike Carrozza digs in.
Ever feel like you're being unfairly targeted due to your choice of commander? What if your commander is a known monster, like Kaalia?
How do you feel about fellow Commander players pressuring you into dealing with the "problem player" when you'd rather do something else?
How do you feel about someone acting to help another player even when it doesn't help their own chances in a game of Commander?
Is it worth helping out a new player in Commander? Should you point out a game winning combo or leave the new player to discover it?
Is it bad manners to use a card like Worst Fears or Mindslaver in a Commander game? Or is it just another card and fair play?
Randomizing the cards in your deck can be a good way to add variance, but what if it leads to massive swings in power?
How do you deal with the feeling that you're being unfairly targeted, knocked out first, and treated like the biggest threat at the table?
How much ramp is too much ramp? Is there anything an average EDH pod can do about ridiculous amounts of mana?
Is conceding a game for the sake of helping or hurting other players fair game? Mike Carrozza weighs in on political resignations.
A reader writes in to ask if they're the Bolas for bringing a competitive deck to a local tournament that wasn't prepared for it.
Mike Carrozza dives right into the new allied and shard cards from Foundations.
At what point does "upgraded precon" become a fully kitted out deck capable of destroying a table?
Rounding out his analysis of the franchise, Mike takes a look at the second half (or so) of Saw movies and assigns each one a color identity. Did your favorite character get the color(s) you'd think? Click to find out!
How do you deal with an opponent who insists you're the threat long after you've been dealt with by the table?
There's no Universes Beyond: Saw in sight, but that won't stop Mike Carrozza from hypothesizing about the color identity of every Saw character!
How do you feel about cards like Oubliette that truly neutralize a Commander by locking it out of the game?
How far can you take a lord effect in Commander? Would you consider Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite to be fair game?
Is blue a color for nerds and tryhards? Or has it earned an undue reputation over the years? Mike Carrozza weighs in on Magic's wettest color.
Placing counters, doubling them, tripling them... How often does complicated math get in the way of enjoying a game of Magic?