Am I The Bolas? - A Sliver of Time

Sliver Overlord Illustrated by Tony Szczudlo
Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?"
I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email! You might see your story in the column. You might even hear it on the podcast. Which podcast?
I'm Mike Carrozza, aka Mark Carbonza, the guy who didn't know his fart's nickname got a card.
I'm sorry for the fart joke, but I'm also not sorry.
This week, a chat about making a deck based around one of the most hated-on creature types out there. But before that...
I'm coming to Chicago! I've been selected to be a featured creator at MagicCon Chicago!
If you get your badges for the Con here, you'd be helping me out!
So what does this mean? Excellent question! I'm not sure! I'm new to this, too! At a base level, it means that I will be at MagicCon Chicago hanging out and playing games. I'm there to meet anybody and everybody who wants to meet me and sling some cardboard. I don't know what decks I'll be bringing, but if there are any you'd like me to bring, I'm open to suggestions! Ultimately, there's a chance I have a meet and greet, there's a chance I get a table reserved to slam games, maybe I'll be doing some panel stuff!
No matter what, the best thing to do is keep up with me on socials. I'm @mikecarrozza and @amithebolas on Twitter, Instagram, and Bluesky. I'm easy to find and easy to reach out to! If there's a chance you'd be disappointed we don't cross paths, I don't want that! Let's hang out!
I'll also be in Chicago early and a little later than the Con so I can perform stand-up comedy at various spots around town. Chicago is an incredible comedy city. It's my favorite place to perform. If I had everything my way, I'd be living there and I'd shoot my next special there. It's amazing. Come out to a show, come hang at the Con: I can't wait to meet all of you.
But I don't want any guff for putting ketchup on my hot dogs. I'm still from Quebec after all, Chicago can't change me that much!
Anyway, let's get back to what you're really here for.
(Post edited for brevity, clarity, and then some.)
Hi Mike! Love the show!
Thank you for writing in and asking me to weigh in on your story. As I mention every week, if folks don't write to me, there's no column, so if you, the reader, want to send me a story, whether it's your own or one from Reddit or a friend's, please send it to and I'll get to it here or on the podcast.
This sounds like a really fun concept! It's identical to what I want to do with a Jodah, the Unifier deck with legendary creatures. The project seems like a real undertaking, especially with switching the commander, but it sounds like it's a real passion project. I'm glad you put it together and get to bust it out whenever it feels right.
Your main concerns seem to be time and power. Both fair concerns.
As far as time goes, if you're running the deck idea by the table and they're into it, eager for it even, then the time concern should be mild at best. Get it done as quick as you can, maybe even ask for a hand with finding your commander and shuffling in your Slivers. It's more that if you wanted to play the deck and folks aren't into it, I reckon don't play that deck, especially if there's this added time component.
The other hurdle we've got to clear is the fact that Slivers are notorious for being powerful snowballs that rival a good Elf deck. A deck that slams creature after creature and each one buffs your board with new, important text? That's scary! Any player who has seen a Sliver deck knows what it's capable of. There's no way to really minimize that kind of presence.
Does having a bunch of Slivers to shuffle in signal the same thing to others? Like "hey, doesn't matter what's actually in the deck, it's Slivers" could give the impression that you love Slivers so much you couldn't decide which to include. That's a really sweet sentiment. However, maybe a more nefarious read would be "it doesn't matter what Slivers are in here, I'm going to win". I think there's a nonzero amount of people who might think it's a little cocky to to do this, but those people can just say no thank you to the deck.
What it comes down to is this: this is a love letter to your favorite creature type. It just happens to be an extremely powerful creature type. Should that keep you from playing the deck? I don't think so! I'd love it if someone showed up with this concept for Slivers. How refreshing, honestly! I feel way more intrigued by this than I am by someone rocking up and flipping their Sliver commander with a honed list of nothing but the hits. Would I object to a regular Sliver deck? Maybe! What's the mood?
But this fun twist on a Sliver deck? Do I not like adventure? Am I not interested in more variance? Would one such as I deny my penchant for whimsy? Dear lord! I love feeling people's love for their decks. They push forward a sense of pride and accomplishment that's noticeable in players and when I sit with an opponent who is beaming with excitement for this deck of theirs, I already feel like my day was worth it.
You can't be the Bolas for loving your deck, that's for sure. As long as you aren't forcing this deck on anybody, this is a clear not the Bolas, though at some tables, the mere mention of Slivers could get you into some trouble.