Am I The Bolas? - Pointing Out a Combo

Glasses of Urza Illustrated by Douglas Shuler
Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?"
I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email! You might see your story in the column. You might even hear it on the podcast. Which podcast?
I'm Mike Carrozza, aka Mark Carbonza, and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays to all. But snow, I curse snow.
Easily the worst part of this season to me.
This week, look a little closer.
I'm coming to Chicago! I've been selected to be a featured creator at MagicCon Chicago!
If you get your badges for the Con here, you'd be helping me out!
That means that I will be at MagicCon Chicago hanging out and playing games. I'm there to meet anybody and everybody who wants to meet me and sling some cardboard. I don't know what decks I'll be bringing, but if there are any you'd like me to bring, I'm open to suggestions! I'll also be in Chicago early and a little later than the Con so I can perform stand-up comedy at various spots around town. Chicago is an incredible comedy city. It's my favorite place to perform. Come out to a show, come hang at the Con; I can't wait to meet all of you.
Anyway, let's get back to what you're really here for.
Thank you for writing in and asking me to weigh in on your story. As I mention every week, if folks don't write to me, there's no column, so if you, the reader, want to send me a story, whether it's your own or one from Reddit or a friend's, please send it to and I'll get to it here.
This is a masterclass on how to let salt ruin it for yourself. Professor Salty decided to cash in an Overrun because you pointed out to a player unfamiliar with your deck that there are combos in it. Wow.
First of all, if somebody is playing a deck they aren't familiar with and it belongs to you, they might not know all the cards well and might not spot a combo, much like in this story. I think it's totally fair to point it out entirely, even! To just nudge the player, encouraging them to find it on their own, was a nice move. It'd been 90 minutes to two hours and there's a combo that wins on the board. Letting the table know so they can all do something about it is also pretty generous!
Basically, Prof. Salty was out of bounds on this one taking this to mean you're giving the game away when really you're offering a situation in which you might be able to team up to prevent the new player from winning. Moreover, if the combo is already on the table and they just didn't see it before passing the turn, personally, I'd call it a win for them anyway. Sure, it's a learning experience, but dear god, they had it! They just didn't see it because it's not their deck! Plus, the new player walks away with three things: a moment where they were the one to figure out the game-winning combo, the tension of being the imminent archenemy threat with a whole turn's worth of opponents' actions, and a new and hopefully deepened appreciation for Commander. Merry Christmas, buddy, this move was a GIFT!
It just also feels pretty wild to me to spend 90 minutes on a game with a new player and then not knee-jerk into looking over and offering to point some things out. Or even just politicking by mentioning the important pieces, if they are game-ending. Also, Salty, the new player has a combo out and you don't see it, didn't say anything either? No suggestion to the others that the new one might be a threat? We didn't get the whole story, of course, but from what I gathered here, the attitude is a bummer.
Do you remember when you got into Magic? Do you remember a play that happened that blew your mind and stuck with you? Welcome to being part of that with a new player. You're now indelibly part of that player's story of the time they realized some decks are grindy engines and that that can be fun! I'm not saying all new players should be handled with kid gloves, but come on, have a little perspective here!
Not the Bolas. In the new year, I think it's important to take stock in yourself and make sure that you are doing what you can to be fun to play against. That doesn't mean pulling punches necessarily, but you're a person in a social situation, be cool.
I admit, this last week, I've played a few games where I've decidedly not been cool. I've gotta work on not getting tilted by some stuff, although when someone joins your casual pod, looks at your janky commander that exiles a card per upkeep and then slams a Drannith Magistrate after removing the bulk of my board, I think I had a right to be frustrated.
Anyway, if you're still with me, thank you. I'm told that this year has been a really good year for the column. I've noticed more and more submissions coming in, which is why, if you've submitted, I'm sorry they're taking so long! The podcast has been fun to do, and if you enjoy it, please share with it pals. There's going to be a some new changes and more cool stuff in the new year, but for now, enjoy the holidays. I hope you get to spend time with loved ones and I hope you are happy and fulfilled.
Unless you're a jerk.
Anyway, happy holidays!