Brewing a deck in the way only Going Brokkos can, today Naomi breaks down how to spend way too much on a Kianne, Dean of Substance deck!
Brewing a deck in the way only Going Brokkos can, today Naomi breaks down how to spend way too much on a Kianne, Dean of Substance deck!
Next up on our Commander 2021 review is Silverquill Statement, with Mike Carrozza tackling his favorite color pair from the Strixhaven decks!
Commander 2021 review week at Commander's Herald rolls on, with Michael Celani reviewing Quantum Quandrix!
Travis continues Commander 2021 review week with a look at the new cards in Prismari Performance!
Charlotte kicks off Commander 2021 review week with a look at the new cards in Lorehold Legacies!
The Strixhaven Commander preconstructed decklists have been revealed! Matt has gathered all the details for your Strixhaven EDH needs.