Do you pay the one or let them draw a card? If you're sick of answering this question every game of cEDH, read this guide to dealing with Rhystic Study!
Do you pay the one or let them draw a card? If you're sick of answering this question every game of cEDH, read this guide to dealing with Rhystic Study!
Beyond fast mana, cEDH is defined by a love of hyper efficient card advantage. Which is your favorite cEDH card draw spell?
Avatar of Woe, Citadel of Pain, Spore Frog, and of course, Rhystic Study. Which was your favorite Commander card from Prophecy?
Do you ever get the feeling that cEDH is becoming a grindy, midrange hellscape? You're not alone...
When you have to pay a fee every time you install a game, just think of it as paying the one for a Rhystic Study tax.
Commander Mechanic AKA Chris Balon revisits the might Rhystic Study, one of Commander's most powerful cards.
Rhystic Study is as loathed as it is loved, one of the strongest blue permanents in all of Commander. But is it too much? A problem?
With so many options to choose from in new releases, what would Commander look like if the deck size was raised? Dana examines the question.