How They Brew It - Ashnod's Grixis Landfall

Ashnod the Uncaring | Illustrated by Kieran Yanner
Nothing in this article is to be construed as support for or against anyone or anything at all, with the exception of putting peanut butter on hot dogs. I know who you are.
Less Miserables
Greetings, my brothers and sisters! I, revolution leader Michael Celani, bring news from the front! The tyrant, his Repugnancy King Alexander Ferdinand Charles Augustus Francis James Philips Screwdriver LXIX, is dead! We have broken free of the prison that is feudalism! No longer shall we suffer the slings and arrows of taxation without refrigeration! We are the masters of the house! Now to take this to the rest of the upper class, and--
Hold on, we ate all the rich people? With aioli, you say? Well, surely, the entrenched oligarchy that-- with aioli, you say. Okay, then, how about corrupt bureaucratic individuals? Telemarketers? Anyone I don't personally like? ...Damn, the revolution really succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. What do I even do now?
Well first, our nascent state, the newly established People's Republic for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has to divvy up all the palatial estates we rightfully reclaimed from the tyrants that stole them from us by being rich. And there's nobody that can get value out of wanton destruction quite like our Executioner Supreme, Ashnod the Uncaring
Drawing up a Constitution
The weird thing is systematically hunting down everybody with money was the easy part. In fact, let me regale you with the glorious, five-minute history of our three-minutes-old country. We'd just summoned Ashnod the Uncaring
- Burnished Hartdemonstrates the theme of this deck perfectly; since it's an artifact, Ashnod the Uncaringdoubles its activated ability when it sacrifices itself, ramping us by four instead of two and, in turn, granting us way more Landfall triggers. Even Tatyova, Benthic Druidplayers are blushing.
- Wayfarer's Baubleis the classic colorless Untamed Wilds, but since history is written by the winners, it's actually closer to Explosive Vegetationin our book.
- This deck is going to be running almost every fetch land it has access to, meaning Mirran Safehouseis a safehouse bet. It practically acts as an artifact copy of your best fetch land and finds two land drops for cheap.
- You can even play it over and over with Emry, Lurker of the Loch, who, according to our statistics, is not actually rich, and therefore wasn't targeted. Who knew?
- You can even play it over and over with Emry, Lurker of the Loch
- Finally, Navigation Orb, which is not something I need because I'm not lost, Mom, is a worse Cultivatein many scenarios, but it does search out Gates -- which our deck contains none of. Sorry for getting your hopes up! April 3rd!
But you don't necessarily have to put the lands directly onto the battlefield to ramp. Even just guaranteeing your land drop each turn will put you ahead of a majority of opponents at the table, and that's why drawing is central to our history.
- Burn any creature or artifact to Dockside Chefand get treated to a card -- with seconds, to boot!
- Etherium Astrolabeonly sacrifices artifacts, but it's got some flash and can always sacrifice itself in a pinch.
- Etherium Astrolabe
- Soul-Guide Lantern, Surgical Skullbomb, Mind Stone, and Commander's Sphereeach have some minor utility, but you can also turn them into gas faster than BP with a barrel of crude.
- Mnemonic Spherehas no such utility, but you're getting four cards, and can even
cycleChannel it if you want to complain that it really should have been a Cycling ability.
- Mnemonic Sphere
- Culling Daismay look quaint, but you'll notice that both of its abilities get doubled. Each creature then adds two charge counters, and each charge counter draws two cards. You don't need to be Deep Blue to calculate that line.
- And speaking of the history books, Tamiyo's Journaland the whole Investigate mechanic, which we use with Secrets of the Keyand Confirm Suspicions, generate Clues which can be sacrificed for two cards a pop.
Let the Land Fall
So we have all this land, but what are we going to do with it? That's the question that our rich forefathers answered by building useless things like gigantic mansions, gaudy theme parks, and hospitals. We are going to take a much more egalitarian approach; we are going to use the fruits of the land to continue the revolution into other neighboring countries. It's a "you have nothing to lose but your chains"-reaction, if you will. How can we make our Landfall into a windfall?
- Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmithis incredible in this deck. Not only does Ashnod the Uncaringhave deathtouch naturally, she also doubles up the actual throw, meaning it will deal two damage to two separate targets. That's four damage per rock at an opponent's face, or two creatures dead!
- Tunneling Geopedeand Retreat to Hagraexist to slowly whittle down your opponents. You're not always gonna need 40 land drops, but you can certainly get there.
- Nesting Dragoncreates more sacrifice fodder that itself turns into more sacrifice fodder. If you have Dockside Chefaround, he's serving up breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Ob Nixilis, the Fallenquickly burns out your opponents and gets swole doing it.
- Geode Rager? I hardly know 'er, but your opponents will once they realize they can never attack you this game as long as it's alive.
- Roil Elementalis even deadlier with a board full of fetch lands you can pop off at a moment's notice. Make sure you only play this one when you're ready to sacrifice stuff, though; you don't want to get blown out on an end step.
- Need to filter your draws? Retreat to Coralhelmcan help you, or you can untap your Emry, Lurker of the Lochand Dreamscape Artistif you're so inclined.
- And finally, Curse of the Restless Dead, The Lost and the Damned, and Field of the Deadeach bring back a lovely, lovely corpse (or something) as long as you play your cards right. Which, of course, you'll turn back into a corpse, either via combat or sacrifice.
And of course, we've been mentioning fetching lands this enire game. Most of them don't need an explanation, so let's just go down the list:
- Evolving Wildsand Terramorphic Expanse, your basic Basic fetches;
- Fabled Passageand Prismatic Vista, the previous two after they got their class change upgrade;
- Myriad Landscape, Warped Landscape, Terminal Moraine, the slightly less all-or-nothing versions that make you pay to play;
- Bloodstained Mire, Polluted Delta, Scalding Tarn, the much better versions that make you pay to play in a different way;
- Grixis Panorama, which is just kinda... normal, I guess... look, I can't come up with good things for all of them okay
- All of these are, of course, supported by a Crucible of Worldstutored out by a Trophy Mage.
Land on Trial
The revolution has encountered a severe problem. We got everybody. And there's a lot of land that's just sitting there. In fact, there's too much. Even if we all decided to split it evenly among the rest of us, we would all be considered "rich," and therefore no longer friends of the revolution. But nobody wants to leave it sitting here, because then it just looks like we killed a bunch of people for no real reason. If the land itself is the pinnacle of wealth on its own, then...
Terramorphic Expanse
With Myr Landshaper
Not only that, the sudden applicability of the laws of the revolution to inanimate objects means we can actually care about permanents that sacrifice lands.
Lochmere Serpent
Country Matters
Well, the revolution died out. Turns out that it's actually pretty hard to burn it all down and build it back up again when you don't know what you're doing. So we all did what every revolutionary does: we moved to Portland and went to a coffee shop while dressing like a hipster. Viva la revolución!
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1 Ashnod the Uncaring
1 Dockside Chef
1 Dreamscape Artist
1 Goblin Cratermaker
1 Goblin Engineer
1 Burnished Hart
1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch
1 Imperial Recruiter
1 Myr Landshaper
1 Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith
1 Trophy Mage
1 Tunneling Geopede
1 Embodiment of Fury
1 Nesting Dragon
1 Ob Nixilis, the Fallen
1 Geode Rager
1 Lochmere Serpent
1 Roil Elemental
1 Vandalblast
1 Crackle with Power
1 Exsanguinate
1 Feed the Swarm
1 Coastal Breach
1 Blasphemous Act
1 Clone Legion
1 Rapid Hybridization
1 Secrets of the Key
1 Arcane Denial
1 Comet Storm
1 Reality Shift
1 Chaos Warp
1 Whir of Invention
1 Confirm Suspicions
1 Zuran Orb
1 Expedition Map
1 Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant
1 Sol Ring
1 Soul-Guide Lantern
1 Surgical Skullbomb
1 Wayfarer's Bauble
1 Arcane Signet
1 Culling Dais
1 Liquimetal Coating
1 Mind Stone
1 Mnemonic Sphere
1 Commander's Sphere
1 Crucible of Worlds
1 Etherium Astrolabe
1 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Mirran Safehouse
1 Navigation Orb
1 Arcane Spyglass
1 Ghirapur Orrery
1 Tamiyo's Journal
1 Clan Crafter
1 Curse of the Restless Dead
1 Retreat to Coralhelm
1 Retreat to Hagra
1 The Lost and the Damned
1 Bloodstained Mire
1 Buried Ruin
1 Command Tower
1 Evolving Wilds
1 Exotic Orchard
1 Fabled Passage
1 Field of the Dead
1 Grixis Panorama
1 Inventors' Fair
1 Myriad Landscape
1 Petrified Field
1 Polluted Delta
1 Prismatic Vista
1 Scalding Tarn
1 Terminal Moraine
1 Terramorphic Expanse
1 Warped Landscape
8 Snow-Covered Island
8 Snow-Covered Mountain
8 Snow-Covered Swamp