Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate - A Reprint Review

Morphic Pool | Illustrated by Chris Ostrowski
A New Coat of Paint for Baldur's Gate
I'm going to go ahead and get this out of the way at the top: Dockside Extortionist
That's not to say the set doesn't have its fair share of reprints. Whether players were clamoring for what was included is another story entirely. Let's take a look at the reprints of Baldur's Gate.

Mythics and Rares
Bramble Sovereign
Did we need it? Printed only once before, in Battlebond, that original Bramble Sovereign
Did we want it? It appears in a shade under 6,000 decks on EDHREC, but that might be more due to its scarcity and price until now. It's an extremely powerful card that can fit into a number of decks (especially Riku and Beamtown Bullies decks), since it probably goes without saying that if you're going through the trouble of putting a creature into your deck and playing it during a game, you probably don't mind a second copy for the cost of a Balduvian Bears
Who did it best? That full-art treatment illustrated by Raluca Marinescu is something else, but each version of the card is great. You can't go wrong. With Battlebond only four years old, it's unlikely any version carries with it a nostalgia factor, so for style points I'd give the edge to the full-art.
Basilisk Collar
Did we need it? Originally printed in Worldwake 12 years ago, Basilisk Collar
At one point, the Worldwake version was $25, but that might as well have been a million years ago. Today, you can get any previously printed version for around $2, and with two new versions in Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate, the answer is no, we didn't need it.
Did we want it? Basilisk Collar is fine enough for what it does; it's cheap to cast, cheap to equip, and for decks that care about one or both of deathtouch and lifelink, there's no reason not to use it, and its stats on EDHREC reflect that, as it finds itself ringing the necks of creatures in nearly 30,000 decks. I personally play it in my Ashling the Pilgrim
Who did it best? Despite the five previous prints of Basilisk Collar, the Baldur's Gate version is the first with new art, and it should be noted that this newest version seems to actually depict a basilisk wearing that collar. It'll be a toss-up for me whether to switch to the new full-art version or stick with the original Worldwake printing.
Blade of Selves
Did we need it? Definitely. The original version, printed in Commander 2015, was around $33 when the reprint was revealed. The only other printing since then, in Commander Anthology Volume II, was also in the $30-35 range.
Did we want it? Following a very similar trajectory as Bramble Sovereign
Who did it best? You've got two illustrations to choose from, and both feature a translucent, crystalline sword. One's being wielded while the other's on display, so pick the one that fits your level of aggression/museum of medieval weaponry theme.
Bountiful Promenade (and friends)
Did we need it? Considering the "bond land" cycle of lands were immediate staples following their original printing in Battlebond (hence the name), it's safe to say that most players could use a copy or two of each, and the price indicates as much, as both previous versions of the lands, in Battlebond and in Zendikar Rising Expeditions, were hovering around $20. We'll always welcome reprints of important land cycles.
Did we want it? The short answer is yes, we wanted it. Luxury Suite
Who did it best? This is a tough one. You always get bonus points in my book for using the original printing, but I'm a fan of the Zendikar Rising Expeditions frame (though I may be in the minority on that one), and since we're technically talking about five different lands with five different arts, I'll make a blanket statement: when in doubt, go with the Expedition.
Kindred Discovery
Did we need it? Kindred Discovery
Did we want it? It's hard to argue against Kindred Discovery's inclusion in any tribal deck that runs blue, price notwithstanding. Whether it's Merfolk or Drakes or Fairies or Slivers, it's one of the better five-drops you can cast. If you happen to be playing The Locust God
Who did it best? Do you like fish people or bird people, because those are your options when it comes to the art. I personally am leaning toward the bird brood, especially as the full art version reveals a random chicken in the background that's obscured by the regular frame.
Reflecting Pool
Did we need it? We first saw Reflecting Pool
Did we want it? Your mileage with Reflecting Pool may vary. I had a game once where due to my inability to build a responsible manabase, I had a Reflecting Pool on the field that could not tap for mana. That was ten years ago, and I've never played it since. The playerbase at large does not seem to share my sentiment, however, as it shows up in more than 52,000 decks on EDHREC.
Who did it best? You've got a lot of options when it comes to choosing your favorite Reflecting Pool. That Tempest printing, which its taupe border and Adam Rex art, is still the one for me, and if you were feeling frisky, that version did appear in gold border as well, in a World Championship Deck. You've also got an option for an oddity: the foil version of the Shadowmoor printing has a watermark of a white mana symbol for no discernable reason. Just be prepared to drop a C-note on that one if it strikes your fancy. You've also got a Judge Gift Promo that hearkens to Zendikar, and the latest version's art is courtesy of one of my favorite new Magic artists, Alayna Danner.
Traverse the Outlands
Did we need it? Like its cousin, Kindred Discovery
Did we want it? It's in a little more than 8,000 decks on EDHREC, so it doesn't see too much play outside of green decks that love big monsters and lots of basic lands, which, to be fair, is a lot of green decks. It scales well with creatures that care about lands, like Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar
Who did it best? You've got two choices: a tree-man facing left, or a tree-man facing left. Both are done by prolific artists that I personally enjoy quite a bit, in Daarken and Chuck Lukacs, and both have flavor text, if that matters to you. Personally I'm leaning more toward the Baldur's Gate version.
Uncommons and Commons

Ambition's Cost
Did we need it? No, we didn't. Since its original printing in Portal: Three Kingdoms, Ambition's Cost
Did we want it? Perhaps because of its ubiquity and affordability, it sees its fair share of play, appearing in around 16,000 decks on EDHREC. It's a pretty standard rate for card drawing in black, and it'll likely always have a home in decks that can leverage both halves of the card, in the card draw and the life loss.
Who did it best? Depends on how flashy you like to be. The original printing is around $45, while every other iteration is less than a buck. If you're into foils, the new version will mark only the second time it is acquirable in shiny: the first and only time to date it appeared in foil was from Eighth Edition, and even so, that version's only a few dollars.
Arcane Signet
Did we need it? Since it first showed up in Throne of Eldraine, Arcane Signet
Did we want it? I would say so, yes, considering about 718,000 decks on EDHREC make use of it, or, if you prefer, 60% of all decks listed on the site, good for the second-most used card in the past two years behind only the aforementioned Sol Ring. For a card that's only been around for 32 months, that's quite the feat.
Who did it best? This one's an easy choice: the Dan Frazier Secret Lair version is the one true Arcane Signet king.
Burnished Hart
Did we need it? First appearing in Theros, everyone's favorite robo-Elk has seen plenty of printings, including seven different Commander releases and an appearance in Mystery Boosters. You can acquire pretty much any older version of Burnished Hart
Did we want it? It's a deer that fetches basic lands for any color, which is good enough for approximately 92,000 decks on EDHREC. People like cracking open the Elk to see what might be inside (spoiler: it's lands), and I think they'll continue to do so for as long as Commander is a format where people occasionally play nongreen decks.
Who did it best? People love child animals, so I expect there will be thousands of players tossing out their Therosian Harts for the new version. I'll stick with the original, though, because I'm old and set in my ways.
Geode Golem
Did we need it? Rock-Bot has only seem one other printing, in Commander 2018. Geode Golem
Did we want it? It's pretty good in decks that have expensive commanders, or ones that want to cast the commander over and over again, and as such it shows up in a hair under 8,000 decks on EDHREC. In my experience it's almost always tied in some way to an Eldrazi titan.
Who did it best? If you want a foil, you've only got one choice. Otherwise, you have to decide if you want your Rock-Bot to be more rock or more bot.
Did we need it? Politics stapled onto Eternal Witness
Did we want it? In a shade under 9,000 decks, Skullwinder
Who did it best? As mentioned, the new version is the only chance you have to get it in foil, but outside of that, both compositions of the art are remarkably similar. Go with your heart.
Charcoal Diamond (and friends)
Did we need it? Counting Baldur's Gate, we've seen nine versions of the Diamond cycle since it first appeared in Mirage in 1996. None of them are more than a dollar, unless you have your eyes set on foil Seventh Edition versions, which are much, much more than that. If you ask me, we needed more, because I love this cycle. Just don't ask any of the other Commander's Herald writers, please.
Did we want it? As a cycle, the Diamonds are played in around 40,000 decks on EDHREC, depending on the color. People other than me like using them, even if they're objectively worse than several other options.
Who did it best? It's hard to beat the foil Seventh Edition skelly hand for best art and best monetary flex, but Lindsey Look's version is great, too. I will also be heavily considering Phil Stone's rulebook showcase art, which can also be had in foil.
Nature's Lore
Did we need it? Despite being printed nine times already (most recently in Forgotten Realms Commander only a year ago), with six different arts, copies of Nature's Lore
Did we want it? People play Nature's Lore in more than 100,000 decks on EDHREC, so it's safe to say it's pretty popular. It's tough to get much better than Nature's Lore when it comes to efficient land-grabbing, and most green decks will probably play one of either Nature's Lore or Farseek
Who did it best? I've always been partial to that Portal printing, with the Terese Neilsen art and the bold text box, but there's a Nature's Lore for every style out there, even the fiends who play white-bordered cards intentionally.
Deadly Dispute
Did we need it? Here's a weird one. Deadly Dispute
Did we want it? In the 10 months since it had been printed originally, Deadly Dispute has found its way into almost 30,000 decks on EDHREC, most notably in the 99 of decks like Kalain, Reclusive Painter
Who did it best? Which set symbol do you like more?
The Rest of the Reprints
View on ArchidektInstants (4)
Sorceries (2)
Lands (2)
Creatures (5)
Enchantments (6)
There you have it. Outside of Dockside Extortionist
It's safe to say with a new Double Masters set coming soon that many of those big-ticket reprints are likely being saved for a set that will command a much, much higher pricetag per pack. Check back soon, as we're set to do this exact exercise all over again, except with the Baldur's Gate Commander decks, instead. It's almost as if we're getting too many cards.