Cal gives us the answers to your cEDH dilemmas from proxy usage, underused archetypes, and dealing with Dockside Extortionist at the micro and macro decision level.
Cal gives us the answers to your cEDH dilemmas from proxy usage, underused archetypes, and dealing with Dockside Extortionist at the micro and macro decision level.
How do you feel about goad? Can too much forced combat end up feeling frustrating and grow tiresome?
What were your picks for the best commanders of 2023? Benjamin Levin shares his top ten list.
Stax decks are one thing, but what about stax decks that shut down one player and one player alone?
Have you noticed the striking poses and gestures in the art from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan?
What do you do when you draw a hand so good that you know you're going to steamroll the entire table?
For everything great about cEDH, there's no denying that cheating is becoming a serious problem, particularly in webcam tournaments.
Every playgroup and player approaches missed triggers differently, but is it important to maintain a consistent policy?
If your playgroup always treats you like the biggest threat at the table, is there anything wrong with living up to the archenemy reputation?
They keep catering to this casual format, when they should be catering to literally nobody. That's how they made the Reserved List, and that's how they should make everything.
How do you feel about a player tutoring for a winning combo when they've decided the game has gone long enough already?
What do you think of stax decks in casual Commander? How about stax decks that don't actually have a win condition?
Is holding back and letting someone have a better game always the right move? What if they take it as proof of their own genius?
Anthony Burchett posits a strategy to help you win more games of Magic. A radical new strategy, he calls it "Empathy."
Brandon Amico took a stack of Gorehorns to MagicCon Vegas and had your favorite Magic personalities give it their own special flavor text!
How do you treat missed triggers at your local table? Is it the everyone's responsibility or just the owner's?
When it comes to building a Commander deck, are you a grand architect or a tireless tinkerer?
Is demanding to see a full decklist an unreasonable request in the rule zero discussion? Would it make you the Bolas?
Fantasy illustrator Aaron Radney picks out the finest art from Wilds of Eldraine. Do you have a favorite?
What do you think of Commander players who never make deals? Can it get in the way of having a good game?
Sometimes Mike Carrozza has to think hard about who was and who wasn't the Bolas. This is not one of those times...
How do artists reinterpret existing Magic cards? Aaron Radney looks at the some of the finest art from Commander Masters.
“You wanted me on turn one? Yeah I wanted you to wash your goddamn hands before touching me. Life is full of disappointments."
How do you feel about EDH tournaments with their own scoring systems? Should house rules dictate games when money is on the line?
Fantasty illustrator Aaron Radney goes over the finest art and some personal faves from Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth.
Benjamin Levin of Bathroom Brews shares his top ten commanders of 2023 so far! Which is your favorite?
Is it okay to make bad plays just to get the game over and done with and start a new one? Would you avoid a player that did that?
Joshua Clough speaks with Xavier Conley of Ebony Warrior Studios about racial representation in The Lord of the Rings and how Magic tackled it.