You Don't Want to Miss These Jumpstart GEMS - Bulk Up!

Tyler Bucks • December 16, 2024

The original Jumpstart was a groundbreaking addition to Magic's product line. Being able to grab two packs, slap 'em together, and play a game right then and there was revolutionary. However, over time we have had a few Jumpstart products that felt less than inspired, so when I saw a new addition of the expansion was coming with Foundations, I didn't get my hopes up. 

However, this time around, my socks have been cleanly knocked off. Not only are the themes for the mini-decks far more interesting, but the value that comes in these packs is amazing. Needed reprints, as well as new cards fetching around $50 in some cases (see Rev, Tithe Extractor), makes these packs possibly treasure chests. The flashy rares shouldn't hog all the spotlight, though!

I'm Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks, and my job is to highlight the commons and uncommons that will be stars in your deck! Let's kick things off with some brand-new cards that Jumpstart has brought our way, then we will wrap up with some much-needed reprints that have gorgeous new art!

Firespitter Whelp

Starting off our list, we have a card that's just as fun to say as it is to play with. Firespitter Whelp

joins the ranks of cards like Guttersnipe
and Firebrand Archer
in assisting spellslinger decks with closing out their games. This lil guy's twist is that it also triggers off of Dragon spells, so while this isn't the most unique spin on this effect, it's still a great burn piece on a flying body.

You know what, let's just set the table on fire and throw this card in a Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm

deck. Making a copy of this creature to deal even more damage whenever you cast a Dragon can help put an end to your opponent's suffering.

Hinterland Sanctifier

'Rabbit Cleric' is an incredible creature type, thank you Bloomburrow! A 1/2 for one mana is already a good rate, but Hinterland Sanctifier

packs a lifegain punch. Soul Warden
already has a slot in many decks, and even though this fluffy critter only triggers off of your creatures, the rate for this spell is just too good. If you already have a Hare Apparent
deck in the works, this card is an auto-include. 

Will, Scion of Peace

would be an interesting deck to slot this into. Getting Hinterland Sanctifier
out early can help power out bigger spells in the late game!

Wriggling Grub

Wriggling Grub

has my vote for one of the grossest named cards of the year, and the value it brings is even grosser. For two mana, you get an amazing sacrifice target: turning one body into two. Is this little thing grubby? Yeah... but that design is some of the cleanest in recent memory for aristocrats' decks.

This little worm, plus a free sac outlet in a Savra, Queen of the Golgari

deck would just be so painful. Picture this: sacrifice the Grub, each opponent sacs a creature, make two green and black bodies, sac those, each opponent sacrifices an additional two creatures, and you gain four life... Ouch!

Gilded Scuttler

I know it's not the flashiest inclusion on the list (even though this Crab is covered in gold), but Gilded Scuttler

is still a hidden gem to me. While I recently talked about another blue Jumpstart card in a prior article (check that out here), don't let this one clatter under your radar. Gilded Scuttler
has a nice ETB, coming down and stunning a creature, but it also cannot be blocked. That helps trigger a lot of blue's combat damage card draw, plus it wears Equipment very well.

If you have been opening Jumpstart packs, you could easily slot this in a Plagon, Lord of the Beach

deck. Triggering your commander's card draw on top of synergizing with its combat damage ability, makes them a match made on the reef. 

Braulios of Pheres Band

Rounding out the list of new cards with a change of pace! Braulios of Pheres Band

is a legendary creature that not only can pack a punch, but it also has card draw and ramp stapled onto it. Whenever it attacks you basically get Explore
's ability, drawing a card and putting a land from your hand onto the battlefield untapped. This will help pressure your enemy's life totals, on top of furthering your gameplan.

Of course, Braulios can go in any land-centric deck, so let's get creative. Zimone and Dina

enjoy drawing a second card each turn, which would trigger a little bit of life drain. Also, both of their secondary abilities share a similar effect, so adding this Jumpstart card can add a little more redundancy. 

Re-Prints with New Art

Now it's time for some awesome reprints, with a twist! The latest Jumpstart set utilized some anime style art for most of the new cards and did the same for a few returning favorites. So, here are six classics with all new art that are just screaming to be put into your decks! Mind you, some of the card images featured here might revert to their old art, since I can't fully control what versions are shown. You can see all the art I'm mentioning on my Archidekt!

Seize the Spoils

This spell was one of the most popular commons that came out of Kaldheim, and for good reason! Seize the Spoils

is a great rummaging spell that also gets you a Treasure, so even though it's three mana to cast, it really only feels like two. Seeing this card again, still at common, makes it more available than it has been in years. If you have a Treasure deck, this should be in it!


Have you ever seen a card and just think "how have I never seen this before?" Well, that's what happened to me with this spell. Tenacity

is a slam dunk in token decks, giving your team a small pump, pseudo-vigilance, and lifelink can just change your game. These days, gaining life isn't as niche as it used to be in commander. Padding your life total can sometimes set you up to win in the late game versus your opponent's aggro strategies.

Deadly Dispute

Now for another card draw spell that creates a treasure token! Deadly Dispute

has always hovered around the one-dollar mark, and it makes a lot of sense. Sacrificing a creature OR artifact is incredibly helpful, especially if you have a few Clues or Food laying around. In return, you get two cards and a Treasure token at instant speed. Also, shout out to the new art being set on Outlaws of Thunder Junction, because this spell just fits so well on that plane!

Faerie Seer

Value creatures are always just that: valuable. Faerie Seer

being a one-drop flyer that allows you to scry two is an incredible turn-one play. Starting the game off with a little bit of board presence, as well as card selection, can help set yourself up for the rest of the game. Plus, this little buddy has some important creature types, making it easy to slot into Faerie or Wizard kindred decks.

Undercellar Myconid

Similar to the Grub I mentioned earlier, this reprint offers a token when it dies. Undercellar Myconid

is not only two bodies for one, but it's also a mana dork that helps with your spells throughout the game. An issue some players have with mana dorks is that if they get caught up in a wrath, it can set your mana and board presence behind. Luckily this fun guy ensures you won't be lonely after a sweeper by leaving behind that little Saproling!

Ornithopter of Paradise

Before I wrap up today, I need to highlight the new art for Ornithopter of Paradise

. While I did love that original bird... kite... thing... I really dig this new rainbow dragonfly! I often include this little flier in a lot of my decks, so seeing a newer version of it floating around just makes me happy. 

The Wrap Up!

Well, there you go, bulk bin treasures that can be found in the latest Jumpstart set! So, the next time you're in a card shop, considering grabbing a couple of these new packs, and playing a few games with your friends. Who knows, maybe you'll open some much-needed staples along the way.

Let me know if I missed any great new cards in the comments here, or anywhere on social media. I will see you next week for another installment of Bulk Up!

Tyler 'Savesya' Bucks has been playing Magic and creating lighthearted content for over a decade. With a focus on building Commander decks on a budget, he is always looking for new ways to save cash! When he isn't shuffling through bulk bins (so you don't have to), he can be found on the Magic YouTube channel 'The Pillow Fort'!