This week on Plot Twist, Jeff builds a Rakdos dredge-voltron deck to supercharge Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate.
This week on Plot Twist, Jeff builds a Rakdos dredge-voltron deck to supercharge Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate.
Alejandro builds a deck around a commander that's been put in charge of the wrong deck a few too many times, Azra Oddsmaker.
According to EDHREC, Prosper, Tome-Bound is easily the most popular Rakdos commander, and the Tiefling has earned himself quite a reputation...
Why play powerful cards or assemble complex combos when you could embrace your inner Timmy with Demons and Dragons and Dinosaurs?
Are you prepared for Anzrag? What about the new Rakdos? Mike Carrozza takes us through the best allied cards from Murders at Karlov Manor!
The Rakdos stand in solidarity with the striking workers, and the workers reluctantly deal with the blood demons and fiery weirdos.
Order up! The infamous underworld chef needs inspiration and she's gone to an unlikely source. A recipe for a great Vorthos deck!
Olivia, Crimson Bride presents an interesting deckbuilding challenge in EDH, but Ben is up to the task with this week's Conditions Allow!
How far can the Dash mechanic be pushed in EDH? A lot further than you might think, as Ben demonstrates with this Chainer EDH build!