What are your goals for your Magic game in 2022? Today Commander Mechanic shares his list of resolutions he'd like to see in his EDH games.
What are your goals for your Magic game in 2022? Today Commander Mechanic shares his list of resolutions he'd like to see in his EDH games.
We have a wealth of options to choose from in Commander, so how do you narrow your decks down? Commander Mechanic has some tips.
Tutors make up important parts of many EDH deck builds for many different reasons, and today Commander Mechanic highlights how to best use them in your decks!
It takes more than just raw card draw to make an EDH deck run smoothly - it takes strong card filtering options, as Commander Mechanic expands on today.
How much card draw should you run in EDH? It's a tricky question, so Commander Mechanic shares his insights & whether there's a magic number.
What are the best mana rocks you should be playing in EDH, and how should you interact with opposing ramp? Commander Mechanic weighs in.
Commander Mechanic returns with another great deckbuilding piece, highlighting the importance of the mana curve while building a Witherbloom EDH deck!
There are staples we take for granted in EDH, but are they really worth the cost? Commander Mechanic tackles the topic in his debut article!