How They Brew It - The Ten-Dollar Voltron Deck

Raised by Giants | Illustrated by Kai Carpenter
The dark hour approaches. Dry, decaying leaves drift like ashes on the wind; a crisp breeze howls down those streets dressed in grim reminders of everyone's fate; and the people shuffle along as corpses, hoping for an even bigger handout this year than last. Yes, this unhallowed night heralds true terror, for behold: tax season is upon us.
On the Backs of Giants
My name is Michael Celani, and this Halloween, I'm ready for true terror: I'm going to commit tax fraud. It doesn't matter if it's state or federal, negligent or intentional, because when it comes to the IRS, I just don't give a buck. That's right: taxation is theft, and I'm Robin Hood. Wait a minute, that doesn't--
Our crooked accountant for the evening is Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher
Secret of Mana
Our commander is quite the Vhalue. Now that's getting rich quick, but being unable to use our dork's mana to cast spells from our hand is an actual downside we need to mitigate. There's a couple of ways to skirt tax law, so let's go over a few main strategies that'll help us plan for our opponents' retirement.
Getting Out of Hand
The first strategy is to get around that "from your hand" clause. In other words, we can cast spells, just not from our hand. Places like the graveyard or exile are fair game under the law, so here's a couple spells that fit the bill:
- Let's start with the big one: Raised by Giantsitself. It resides in the command zone, which a lot of people internalize as part of their hands since it's not their graveyard. Vhalproduces a mere
without Raised by Giants
, but that's still enough to guarantee you can play it the turn after she hits the field. Needless to say, getting both out is a top priority. - Flashback is the easiest way to cast a spell from the graveyard. Ten colorless is a lot of mana, so Vhalbasically makes huge Flashback costs a non-issue.
- Scour All Possibilitiesand Think Twiceare both decent draw spells for the cost. While Scourlets you dig a bit deeper, Think Twiceis an instant and is costed to compete with a Weave Fate.
- Deep Reconnaissanceand Path to the Festivalare basically the same card - an Untamed Wildsstapled to another, pricier Untamed Wilds.
- Dryad's Revivalis an often-slept-on card, since Eternal Witnessusually fills its role better, but since the Flashback cost is such a non-issue, we can keep the second cast in reserve until our opponents think we're out of gas.
- Scour All Possibilities
- Both Radical Ideaand Chemister's Insighthave Jump-Start, which is basically Flashback if it had the radical idea of making you discard a card in addition to paying the cost. Most of the fun Jump-Start cards, like Gravitic Punch, are Izzet, though, so we have to make do with what we got here.
- Finally, the second halves of Aftermath cards are cast from the graveyard, because nothing says "after the end" like additional value.
- Spring // Mindsprings to mind, as it's both ramp and card draw on the same card. Note that the Mind portion is instant-speed, so if you didn't need to tap Vhalon your turn, you can cast this from the yard on an opponent's turn.
- Commit // Memoryis fairly pricey removal, but it's stapled to Commit // Memory, which is essentially Timetwisterin this deck. This lets you play facsimiles of the Power Nine without needing to spend a thousand dollars.
- Spring // Mind
Ability Power
A second strategy is to cut out the "cast spells" part entirely. You can activate abilities of cards and permanents you control with Vhal
- Dreamscape Artist, Greater Tanuki, and Shefet Monitorall act as instant-speed ramp, which is great to have on hand as you bluff a grip of interaction. Plus, when tons of cards in your deck are essentially Natural Connection, it's a snap to get to a point where paying for green and blue costs on abilities ceases to concern you.
- Note that both Dreamscape Artistand Shefet Monitor's abilities put the lands into play untapped, making the color cost essentially free.
- Krosan Tuskerdoesn't take the land it finds the final step to the battlefield, leaving it with less of a return on investment compared to other options. Despite that, it's invaluable when you're looking for that fourth drop to guarantee your commander in the early game.
- Note that both Dreamscape Artist
- There're a few activated abilities out there that draw cards without requiring you to tap something, but Mystic Archaeologistis clearly the best for this deck. Vhal's mana pays for most of it, and unlike most options around this price point you get two cards per activation instead of just one.
- Triskaidekaphileis an extremely close second, since despite only drawing one card for four mana, she can outright win you the game thanks to her triggered ability. It's safest to get to fourteen or so cards while holding up a Snakeskin Veilor something similar.
- And sure, Diviner's Wandmay buff Vhal's mana production, evasion, and provide a completely colorless outlet for all that mana, but it makes up for this by auto-equipping to her as well.
- Triskaidekaphile
- Kheru Spellsnatcher's Morph counterspell may be as visible as a neon sign under a new moon, but that doesn't make it any less effective when you steal a game-winning spell at a crucial moment.
- And of course, there's the Lamborghinis of abilities, too: flashy, expensive, and liable to get you eaten. Show these cards off only with a generous portion of protection in your hand:
- Shigeki, Jukai Visionaryeffectively recurs your whole graveyard, and if that happens to include Colossal Skyturtleor Dryad's Revival, you've essentially unlocked a second hand to play with.
- Alexi, Zephyr Magethreatens a one-sided board wipe every other turn, which is a terrifying prospect when they're staring down a 10/10 commander with vigilance.
- Hydra Broodmasteris the only card in the deck that makes tokens, but it makes a lot of them. Five 5/5s is the floor on this, and if you're able to untap Vhalwith a Shore Upor Clever Conjurer, it can end the game on the spot.
- Sometimes, the most threatening cards are the most overlooked. If Vhalis about to connect with an opponent, Wren's Run Hydraknocks them immediately, since you can easily Reinforce for eleven at instant speed.
- Shigeki, Jukai Visionary
Win Ben Stein's Mana
Our third and final strategy is to simply ignore that part that says "this mana." Vhal
This ability is mostly limited to Magus of the Candelabra
H&R Unblockable
Now that we're keeping ninety-nine cents of every dollar that we take, we need a way to close out the game. Luckily, the answer's been staring us in the face the whole time: we have a 10/10 commander and all the mana in the world to make her unblockable.
Talking about each card here would be redundant, but using a combination of Auras like Access Tunnel
Financial Wizards
But that's not the whole story, no. You've read this entire article thinking that it was merely about a $10 Voltron deck. Yes, that is technically true, like a lot of the true things I say. No, the real trick is that it's also secretly a $10 Wizard tribal deck:
Yes, with Wizardcycling, you can find every piece you'd ever need to get yourself in the game. Think about it: Magus of the Candelabra
Riptide Laboratory
Cashing Out
You know, I've never seen those stupid Purge movies, but it always baffled me that corporate executives wouldn't lock down in an office somewhere and commit heaps of fraud. For every bloodthirsty idiot that would go out killing guys, there'd be, like, five or so overworked interns wiring stolen Bitcoin from compromised accounts directly to corporate.
Anyway, we've gone through three ten-dollar decks now, spanning four colors. Only black remains; which commander will helm that deck? They say that true terror is the unknown, which means I am living in deep fear every day until someone tells me the answer. Happy Halloween!
If you enjoy How They Brew It, please check out the Discord and my other projects at my website, including the new Pisces engine for playing on Spelltable without needing a webcam. I hope to see you there!
1 Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher
1 Raised by Giants
1 Magus of the Candelabra
1 Wren's Run Hydra
1 Dreamscape Artist
1 Mystic Archaeologist
1 Passwall Adept
1 Prismite
1 Shigeki, Jukai Visionary
1 Stonework Packbeast
1 Triskaidekaphile
1 Vedalken Aethermage
1 Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy
1 Clever Conjurer
1 Exclusion Mage
1 Amphin Pathmage
1 Crossroads Candleguide
1 Frilled Mystic
1 Kheru Spellsnatcher
1 Riptide Director
1 Signpost Scarecrow
1 Alexi, Zephyr Mage
1 Greater Tanuki
1 Hydra Broodmaster
1 Shefet Monitor
1 Colossal Skyturtle
1 Cyclone Summoner
1 Krosan Tusker
1 Glimpse the Cosmos
1 Scour All Possibilities
1 Deep Reconnaissance
1 Dryad's Revival
1 Path to the Festival
1 Step Through
1 Shore Up
1 Snakeskin Veil
1 Ancient Animus
1 Bite Down
1 Decisive Denial
1 Negate
1 Radical Idea
1 Return to Nature
1 Ride the Avalanche
1 Think Twice
1 You Come to a River
1 Broken Wings
1 Dream Fracture
1 Chemister's Insight
1 Decree of Savagery
1 Spring // Mind
1 Commit // Memory
1 Bag of Holding
1 Manifold Key
1 Blackblade Reforged
1 Mirror Shield
1 Diviner's Wand
1 Fireshrieker
1 Network Terminal
1 Robe of the Archmagi
1 Aqueous Form
1 Aether Tunnel
1 Security Bypass
1 Starlit Mantle
1 Sword Coast Sailor
1 Blighted Cataract
1 Blighted Woodland
1 Riptide Laboratory
1 Underdark Rift
16 Forest
16 Island