Our Universes Beyond: Assassin's Creed preview card is Basim Ibn Ishaq, the protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Mirage!
Our Universes Beyond: Assassin's Creed preview card is Basim Ibn Ishaq, the protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Mirage!
Check out the latest Secret Lair announcement, featuring another drop in the Hatsune Miku series with several great Magic reprints.
Let's take a look at Emperor of Bones, our Modern Horizons 3 preview card! What does it do and where will it do it best in Commander?
Wizards has officially previewed the leaked Modern Horizons 3 cards in their crisp, high resolution glory!
Dubbed Sakura Superstar, this drop will be one of four that feature the Vocaloid software phenomenon known as Hatsune Miku.
The Black Lotus in this Pristine 10 condition has a purported population of only one, as of the most recent report, dating to April 2024.
On April 17th, it was reported that Wizards of the Coast President Cynthia Williams is officially stepping down on April 26th.
Tensions are rising over a troubled merger between the PlayEDH Discord server and the official r/competitiveedh Discord server.
Here are the all cards Wizards previewed for the public on stream today for the upcoming Outlaws of Thunder Junction expansion set!
Do these illustrations look similar to you? Fay Dalton has been accused of plagiarizing the art on Trouble In Pairs from Donato Giancola.
Wizards of the Coast cut the Portuguese language for paper Magic. In response, Brazilian players flooded Wizards' socials with questionable memes.
Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks claimed that Magic: The Gathering could be mined for AI utilization, a stance since disavowed by Wizards of the Coast.
The suspects in a recent string of card thefts are being charged with level 6 felony theft, and a warrant is out for their arrest.
Wizards of the Coast revealed a ton of new information for upcoming releases at MagicCon Chicago, including new cards, mechanics, and dates!
This announcement falls in line with a 2022 announcement halting the production of paper Magic cards in certain other languages.
Get your power armor on, stock up on Mirelurk meat, and grab that Geiger counter, because previews for the new Fallout decks are upon us!
Secret Lair: Sheldon's Spellbook contains seven cards and showcases what Sheldon sought to cultivate within the format.
Hasbro's Q4 2023 quarterly report suggests that Universes Beyond royalty costs are having a surprisingly negative impact on company growth.
Wizards of the Coast will start churning out full-sized sets from the Universes Beyond initiative in 2025, at a rate of two per year.
As always, Decked Out gets first crack at the newest precons. Find out how the decks from Murders at Karlov Manor play out in practice!
For many who wanted to acquire Secret Lair: Raining Cats and Dogs, six hours was too short a span. So, what went wrong here?
The Murders at Karlov Manor stream detailed new cards, mechanics, and products for the murder-mystery set, and we've got them all right here!
Many players have never seen a serial Magic card in person, but one LGS employee in Colorado has done this twice over - in a single night!
Wizards of the Coast has pulled a controversial ad utilizing generative AI art from their Twitter and issued an apology over it.
Starting sometime this year, Wizards of the Coast's Secret Lair drops will shift from a print-on-demand print run to a limited one.
According to the website CourtListener, an AI trainer scraped a vast multitude of Magic art for Midjourney.
We had the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with one of Wizards' now ex-employees; here is their account of the company.
2024 is the Year of the Dragon! What better way to celebrate the Lunar New Year than with all-new promo cards?