Am I The Bolas? - How to Handle the Most Hated Cards

Oko, Thief of Crowns Illustrated by Yongjae Choi
Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?"
I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email! You might see your story in the column. You might even hear it on the podcast. Which podcast?
I'm Mike Carrozza, aka Mark Carbonza, the guy whose great-great-great-great-great-great-great neighbor is in the game now!
Nobody knows if this is true, but it's possible!
This week, how to handle the stigma of a card.
(Post edited for brevity, clarity, and to make it the same font as the rest of this.)
Hi Mark/Mike,
I love the column and the podcast. It manages to strike a mirthful tone while taking seriously the pitfalls of enjoying a totally broken and ungovernable format like Commander. I had a little tale of Bolasness to share that's a bit different than the type of high drama tales that usually occupies this space, but one that is pretty common and that we should all be mindful of.
A few weeks ago, I was at a newly opened LGS playing with a good friend, and we picked up three randoms for a five-player pod. One of the random players was an employee of the store that had just ended his shift. I was playing my Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid
We got started with a pretty straightforward game that had a few turns of build. On turn five, though, I was able to turn a Fiery Confluence
I am a player that absolutely hates the original Oko because of the chilling effect it can have on a game. No one wants to play out anything that can risk being Elked or stolen, and it feels like the brakes get slammed on the whole game. Goose Mother insisted that he had it in the deck just to make Food, and I laughed at him and said, "No one plays Oko just to make Food, right?"
I should say that I was 100% not salty about my giant commander being the target of removal; it was clearly the right call to neutralize it. I genuinely just hate Oko, and so every turn for the next four or five turns, I threw my 27 power Elk at Oko, continued to point out how OP that card is, and generally complained about it. In my mind, someone that works at the store wanted us to believe it was a silly Food deck while playing OP cards and putting up a smoke screen about his intentions, and I kept letting everyone at the table know that I don't believe anyone plays Oko to make Food or that it should have ever been printed.
The game went about 12 turns, I was ultimately able to get rid of Oko and pull out a pretty fun win with a Chandra's Ignition
As I was driving home and thinking about the night, I realized that I was almost certainly a Bolas to a complete stranger. I assumed since he works at the LGS that he's a Spiky player that knows everything about the game. I accused him of lying about just trying to make Food with Oko. I complained about it being on the table and focused my entire gameplan just on getting rid of it for as many turns as that took, and I did all this to a new player that was learning to appreciate the Commander format with his only deck.
So I guess I am not asking "Am I the Bolas?" because I've kind of already acknowledged that I was. It's more to share this tale with other readers and ask people to consider how we handle seeing notorious cards hit the table when playing with strangers and the assumptions we make about them based on very little information. If there is a question, it would be how to constructively address with new players what message those powerful cards send to the table and how we can all give people the benefit of the doubt during our first game together.
Thanks for the column, and I hope others can benefit from this little tale.
I'm so glad you wrote in and that you've been enjoying the column and podcast! Without folks like you, there's no column, so thank you, thank you, thank you! If you, the reader, have a story of your own or you've found a Reddit post you'd like me to chat about, please send it over to
When it comes to your story, we can afford to say right away that there is some Bolas energy in here.
There are so many powerful cards in Magic: The Gathering that have a stigma to them because they're strong or they warp games. We've all heard about how Dockside Extortionist
It's natural to have your guard up against some cards. Oko, Thief of Crowns
The one thing that is sorely lacking for me in this submission and that I hope is simply omitted is an apology. I hope over the course of the other games, where the player only made Food tokens with Oko, that you took an opportunity to say something like, "Oh, my bad, looks like you really are only using him to make Food."
This case feels specific, but it's a case of a new player getting their bearings. It's not like they committed a faux pas by including Oko in their list. They didn't know the reputation he has. Learning more about that reputation and his power will inform that player enough to make a decision on whether to continue to include the card or to remove it from their list, and that's all there is to it, really. If someone asks for your opinion, give it to them, if you'd like. In game, however, you've got game actions to get that across. If you hadn't said anything and just kept attacking Oko, I think the message is loud and clear. Moreover, part of the multiplayer aspect of Commander is political chatter: directing attention to strong plays to alert other players to the powerful goings-on of opponents is an extremely necessary and potent strategy in the moves set of any Commander player. There are cards that earn their stigma in a grander sense, format-wide, but others gain notoriety in certain decks. It's okay to point those cards out, especially if they're value permanents that accrue more and more if they stick around.
That said, another wrinkle is that this player is new to Commander and just built this deck using the resources he had, having had no experience with Oko, Thief of Crowns
All this to say, I see where you're coming from and understand your frustration when your opponent explicitly says that Oko is for Food generation but then uses it to Elk your commander. It's a strong card whose secondary purpose in the deck came up in this game. They play it for one reason and your deck pushed it to require that activation. I see that you understand that part. I think at a certain point, you need to trust your opponent's word and assume positive intent. Be kind to each other and lead with the thought that people are being genuine when they sit down to play with you. If they take advantage of your trust, you can decide whether or not to play with them again. Their gain is short-lived, but you're the real winner. You have the ability to go into a new game with hope and appreciation in your eyes; that's power!
Spread the fun, buddy!