How do you deal with the feeling that you're being unfairly targeted, knocked out first, and treated like the biggest threat at the table?
How do you deal with the feeling that you're being unfairly targeted, knocked out first, and treated like the biggest threat at the table?
How do you feel about cards like Oubliette that truly neutralize a Commander by locking it out of the game?
What happens when your issue isn't the deck, the format, or the game, but one specific player giving you grief?
Is land destruction always a hard no in your playgroup? Do you have different rules for mass land destruction and targeted land destruction?
Lots of Commander groups have their own house rules, but what happens when a player starts taking advantage of those house rules?
Should you rewind on a misplay and act like the optimal play went ahead or is it better to play the game as it actually happened?
Fan of Oko? Smokestack? Armageddon? How do you deal with players that would really rather not play against infamously hated cards?
Are you the Bolas if you include cards that let you lose on purpose in order to concede at instant speed without the usual connotations?
Does going for early lethal with commander damage against one player and leaving the other two players untouched make you the Bolas?
What do you if the rest of the pod is enjoying playing powerful fast mana and you're not? Would it make you the Bolas?
Whose job is it to track commander damage? Is it the player who deals the damage or the player who receives it?
What happens if you convince your playgroup to start using proxies and then realise things might be getting out of hand?
How would you handle a wrongful accusation that you'd been caught cheating? What about correcting another player's misunderstanding of card interactions?
How do you deal with wealthy opponents? In other words, are you the Bolas for feeling frustrated with losing to an expensive collection?
Is not wanting play across from Optimus Prime, Hero any different from not wanting to play against certain archetypes?
There's no question that a Commander player who screams at their opponents is the Bolas, but how should you deal with someone like that?
Have you ever seen someone get a bit too worked up about a Myra the Magnificent deck? Do people overreact to Unfinity commanders?
Blowing up lands in a game of Commander is usually frowned upon, but how do you feel about blowing up mana rocks?
Get an insider look into player's minds during some historic moments in Magic from 2023.
Should you cater your Commander games to Mr. Solitaire Combo or the whole group? How important are good vibes to the satisfaction of all players?
Commander's Herald is proud to launch Am I The Bolcast, a Commander podcast featuring Mike Carrozza, Michael Celani, and Morgan Sanchez!
What do you do when you draw a hand so good that you know you're going to steamroll the entire table?
Every playgroup and player approaches missed triggers differently, but is it important to maintain a consistent policy?
If your playgroup always treats you like the biggest threat at the table, is there anything wrong with living up to the archenemy reputation?
How do you feel about a player tutoring for a winning combo when they've decided the game has gone long enough already?
What do you think of stax decks in casual Commander? How about stax decks that don't actually have a win condition?
Is holding back and letting someone have a better game always the right move? What if they take it as proof of their own genius?
How do you treat missed triggers at your local table? Is it the everyone's responsibility or just the owner's?