Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy First Look From WeeklyMTG

Josh Nelson • February 18, 2025

On Tuesday, February 18th, Wizards of the Coast revealed a first look at Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. On their WeeklyMTG stream on Twitch, they showcased a bunch of new cards, as well as a great many treatments for those cards.

What cards, creatures, and characters were revealed? Let's take a look!

The Final Fantasy product lineup for the new set release. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
The Final Fantasy product lineup for the new set release. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast

The Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy Product Line-Up

To start, we are getting four preconstructed Commander decks. As IGN revealed the day before, the precons feature Terra from FFVI, Cloud from FFVII, Tidus from FFX, and Y'shtola from FFXIV.

These preconstructed decks will sell at an MSRP of $69.99 in their base versions but have a Collector's Edition that will sell at an MSRP of $149.99.

Furthermore, Magic is releasing a two-player Starter Set with Cloud, Planet's Champion and Sephiroth, Planet's Heir as the featured cards. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are those cards!

Cloud, Planet's Champion, a new card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Cloud, Planet's Champion, a new card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Sephiroth, Planet's Heir, a new card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Sephiroth, Planet's Heir, a new card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast

Something we didn't originally catch on to was that at the bottom-left corner of the card, you can find exactly which series entry these cards are from. Neat!

Beyond these products, there are Play Boosters and Collector Boosters, two kinds of Bundles, and a Prerelease kit. This last note is important because Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy is a Standard-legal set!

Some Great New Cards

Here are a smattering of new cards from the set. Within these are a few double-sided cards, representing Summon spells, bosses, and Sidequests. Let's dive in!

Sazh's Chocobo, a new card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Sazh's Chocobo, a new card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast

Of note, all Chocobo from this set have a Landfall-derived synergy of some kind. Sazh's Chocobo is one example of many, According to the WeeklyMTG stream.

Tonberry, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Tonberry, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Jumob Cactuar, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, as well as its Borderless Art treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Jumbo Cactuar, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, as well as its Borderless Art treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Stiltzkin, Moogle Merchant, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, as well as its Borderless art treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Stiltzkin, Moogle Merchant, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, as well as its Borderless art treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Sidequest: Catch a Fish and its alternate side, Cooking Campsite, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, as well as an appropriate Food token to the card. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Sidequest: Catch a Fish and its alternate side, Cooking Campsite, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, as well as an appropriate Food token to the card. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Summon: Shiva, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, and a Borderless treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Summon: Shiva, a new card from the new Final Fantasy set, and a Borderless treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast

Notably, Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy is the first time we get Borderless Saga cards.

Cecil, Dark Knight, and its back face, Cecil, Redeemed Paladin, alongside its Borderless treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Cecil, Dark Knight, and its back face, Cecil, Redeemed Paladin, alongside its Borderless treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Emet-Selch, Unsundered, and its back face, Hades, Sorcerer of Eld, from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Emet-Selch, Unsundered, and its back face, Hades, Sorcerer of Eld, from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Garland, Knoght of Cornelia, and its back face, Chaos, the Endless, a card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Garland, Knoght of Cornelia, and its back face, Chaos, the Endless, a card from Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Sin, Spira's Punishment, and its Borderless treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast
Sin, Spira's Punishment, and its Borderless treatment. Image credit: Wizards of the Coast

Official Press Release from Wizards of the Coast

As we were writing this piece, Wizards of the Coast sent out a press release about Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy. According to that press release: 

Wizards of the Coast invites players and fans around the world to join in celebrating an iconic piece of gaming history with Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY. Launching June 13, the set represents a rich universe with iconic elements that fans have come to love over the franchise's history. Fans will see characters from every mainline FINAL FANTASY game, each depicted through the lens of Magic: The Gathering. The set is available for preorder now at local game stores, online retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold.  

Watch the Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY First Look

This upcoming set features the largest collection of FINAL FANTASY artwork ever in a single game, drawing from across the franchise. Magic artists have brought moments from FINAL FANTASY to life in their own unique style while classic FINAL FANTASY art pieces make appearances on these epic cards. Fans will see their favorite stories, characters and moments from FINAL FANTASY depicted across Magic cards, with these icons of the series captured on over 100 legendary creature cards across the entire release.  

Watch the Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY Artist Reveal Video

Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY features a host of special mechanics and content inspired by the rich world and incredible creatures beloved by fans worldwide.  

Special features include:

  • Saga Creatures - Summons are making an appearance in this set, as part of Magic: The Gathering's first-ever Saga creatures. Players can call the summons for aid in battle.
  • Double-Faced Cards - Double-faced cards return in Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY. By casting the front side of the card for its mana cost and fulfilling its required conditions, players can transform it to experience its alternate form! Iconic FINAL FANTASY characters, minigames, story moments, and more are represented on double-faced cards throughout the set.  
  • More To Come - Many of the special mechanics featured in the Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY set are yet to be revealed. Stay tuned for more information.

The FINAL FANTASY artwork truly shines in a series of Borderless Cards. Borderless Character Cards feature 55 legendary characters with eye-popping backgrounds, while Borderless Woodblock Cards are inspired by traditional Japanese woodblock paintings, and feature intricate artwork of the summons. There are also Borderless FINAL FANTASY Artist cards, featuring fan-favorite artists from the history of the series.  

Finally, as a celebration of this incredible collaboration, FINAL FANTASY Through the Ages showcases iconic Magic cards with FINAL FANTASY artwork. These cards form a Bonus Sheet for the set featuring existing artwork from the FINAL FANTASY series, which highlights artists such as  YOSHITAKA AMANO and TETSUYA NOMURA, names that FINAL FANTASY fans will surely recognize.  

Each Commander deck for Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY tells the story of an individual game from the franchise, letting you relive playing FINAL FANTASY VI, FINAL FANTASY VII, FINAL FANTASY X, and FINAL FANTASY XIV in a brand-new way.

Wizards of the Coast will also be releasing three Secret Lair drops alongside this set to capture the worlds of FINAL FANTASY in Secret Lair's always iconic, always stunning style. More details will be available closer to the set's release.  

Fans can preorder Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY products now, including Play Boosters, Collector Boosters, Commander decks, Collector's Edition Commander decks, Bundles, and Gift Edition Bundles. Additionally, Wizards of the Coast will have more to share about a special holiday release for Magic: The Gathering--FINAL FANTASY later this year. 

Final Fantasy: "The RPG For Me"

Now, let's open the floor to all of you. When does Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy come out? It releases on June 13th, 2025.

Are you excited for it? Do you expect any specific characters, monsters, or other aspects of the series to make an appearance? Will you buy any cards from this release, fan or otherwise? Sound off below!

Josh Nelson wears many hats. They are a music journalist when not writing gaming news. Beyond this, they're a scholar of the Sweeney Todd urban legend, a fan of monster-taming RPGs, and a filthy Aristocrats player. Josh has been playing Magic since 2001 and attributes their tenure to nostalgia, effort, and "aesthetic".