What would Magic be without the lore? Find out the ten best commanders for Vorthos players who care about the story more than anything else!
What would Magic be without the lore? Find out the ten best commanders for Vorthos players who care about the story more than anything else!
Tutor your way to victory with this introduction to one of the hottest cEDH commanders right now, the legendary Sisay, Weatherlight Captain.
Drake Sasser debunks the five biggest myths about cEDH that some people still believe to this day.
What do cEDH powerhouses Thrasios, Sisay, Kinnan, and Tayam all have in common? Drake Sasser looks at the recent rise of Commanders with activated abilities.
Drake Sasser reassesses the cEDH landscape in the wake of Mardu summer and ranks the top cEDH decks by tier.
What do hondens and Gaddok Teeg have in common? More than you think. Today MD dives into the ways that budget impacts building Sisay!