As always, Decked Out gets first crack at the newest precons. Find out how the decks from Murders at Karlov Manor play out in practice!
As always, Decked Out gets first crack at the newest precons. Find out how the decks from Murders at Karlov Manor play out in practice!
Check out the full run-down of the exciting Commander gameplay in the latest episode of Decked Out, a YouTube series starring MTGNerdGirl and VeggieWagon.
VeggieWagon and the rest of the Decked Out gang show us how The Lost Caverns of Ixalan precon decks play out in practice!
VeggieWagon dives into the Lord of the Rings Commander decks with the rest of the Decked Out gang in the latest gameplay recap.
VeggieWagon recaps his first experience playing the Doctor Who precons with Gavin Verhey, MTGNerdGirl and AirballMTG!
Ever wanted to see Joe Cherries get clowned on? Check out VeggieWagon's recap of the latest Decked Out!