Pokedecks: Narfi, the Duskull

Scaring up a Good Time with Narfi Zombie Tokens!
Last article, we followed up Hamza Elephants with another unusual kindred deck: Zirda Spellshapers. Chucking Earthquake
You heard that right: this is not just a Zombie deck, but a deck built around specifically Zombie tokens, for an added spellslinger twist!
Kindred decks are one of my favorite deckbuilding restrictions because the decks wind up feeling fun, thematic, and relatively low-powered. I love kindred decks because they simplify Rule Zero conversations and catch peoples' attention who might not know me, the commander, or even the game of Magic in general. You don't need to know those things to root on a Spellshaper deck; you just need to find what they do cool! I've run kindred streams; I have a kindred podcast (Quote of Arms); and I've even run a casual 16-person kindred tournament with $20 donated to charity in each podwinner's name, and gifting a Cavern of Souls
For the most part, kindred decks require a large number of creatures. Usually, they're defined by a minimum of 20 creatures, 80% of which need to be of the type, preferably not having to include Changelings in that percentage. But what if creatures aren't your bag? I posit that cards that produce tokens of a given type ought to also be considered among the percentage of the deck needed to determine whether the deck holds true to the theme. Players who love Elementals should be able to count Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
Interestingly enough, the PokeAlter, one of the first I would commission from Foxnoctom, was my logo for a while! It makes sense for a Ghost-type to represent a Zombie, and it's a particularly cute Pokemon that can evolve, which is a running theme among my kindred decks. It also learns a move called Phantom Force via TM, which sounds like an excellent name for an army of Zombies. But how do we get these pieces to fit together into a cohesive build?
Narfi's Abilities
Narfi itself fills a role that a lot of other creatures have filled before: on its face, it's a fairly generic Zombie lord. There have been a lot of them, going back as far as the game itself. For as long as people have wanted to go wide with creepy crawly critters, there have been lords to pump the hordes. Some provide additional abilities, some additional bodies, some additional creature type buffs, but all of them cost between three and five mana and add layers of buffs to our not-officially-an-army.
Risen Executioner
Cemetery Reaper
Diregraf Captain
Duskull's Moves
Phantom Force is a cool-sounding move, but the move itself has little to do with the deck. The move has the user disappear for a turn and then reappear to hit the opponent with perfect accuracy, with nothing able to prevent that damage. As awesome as combining phasing with unblockable to create an indomitable alpha strike or defensive position would be, that doesn't really translate well into Magic. The name, however, is a sick title for a Zombie deck with wave after wave of foot soldiers. So how do we make our horde?
Army of the Damned
Delve, as a mechanic, was a mistake. Even the "bad" delve cards see fringe play, so for the decently powerful ones, they're pretty darned amazing. Empty the Pits
Dread Summons
So...we've got lords and tokens to pump, but how do we dig through the fluff? Not every card is good, and, like most kindred decks, there are plenty of inefficient cards played for the sake of synergy.
The Perfect Fusion
The deck has lords and token-producers, but many of the flashback cards and cards that care about loading the grave need help to realize their potential. With the amount of fluff that decks like this have to play to have enough synergy, there are times when cutting through the fluff is needed to advance the game. This is especially true when digging for a specific card or effect, like a lord.
Whispering Madness
Unfulfilled Desires
Lich Lord of Unx
Narfi, Use Phantom Force!
Here is the most recent iteration of the deck, which is still one of my favorites.
What are some of your favorite kindred decks? And how might you build some underrepresented ones? Also, how do you feel about token-producers being counted in kindred decks?
Narfi Phantom Force
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
Creatures (14)
Enchantments (8)
Sorceries (23)
- 1 Army of the Damned
- 1 Awaken the Erstwhile
- 1 Careful Study
- 1 Chart a Course
- 1 Compulsive Research
- 1 Dark Deal
- 1 Dark Salvation
- 1 Dead of Winter
- 1 Dread Summons
- 1 Flux
- 1 From Under the Floorboards
- 1 Gisa's Bidding
- 1 Ideas Unbound
- 1 Moan of the Unhallowed
- 1 Necrotic Hex
- 1 Never // Return
- 1 Reap the Seagraf
- 1 Rise from the Tides
- 1 Shamble Back
- 1 Stir the Sands
- 1 Syphon Flesh
- 1 Whispering Madness
- 1 Windfall