Pauper Commander - Chakram Retriever & Slinger

Chakram Retriever
There's a few reasons. Firstly, when you're untapping stuff, what you want to be untapping most are lands. With cards like Dawn's Reflection
The main things to be untapping in Izzet pauper are pingers, stuff like Thermo-Alchemist
But all of this is irrelevant because Chakram Retriever
First, we have Chakram Retriever
This first combo is the easiest to pull off due to the abundance of creatures that will tap for a single and creatures that will win once we get the combo going. The only thing we have to put effort into finding is Shrieking Drake
The second combo is a bit more complicated. There's these two cards, Banishing Knack
These are some decent combos; not incredible, but they do win the game. Now for the hard part: finding them. In the past, I've employed all manner of tricks to find my combo pieces. When I had to find Galvanic Alchemist
It's the same here, with the transmute mechanic coming in clutch. Dizzy Spell
Those are the tutors we've got, and I think we can get quite a bit of reach with them, but just in case, I'm going to do the math:
In our deck, we have four cards we can draw that will get us to Shrieking Drake
- Shrieking Drakeitself.
- Dizzy Spell.
- Merchant Scroll(which finds Dizzy Spell.)
- Muddle the Mixture(which finds Merchant Scroll.)
This gives us the fraction 4/98, meaning that, for each card we draw, there's a 4.08% chance that it will get us to Shrieking Drake
Let's add another number. We're going to assume that, in the average game, we draw 40 cards out of our 98 card deck. We'll just multiply 40 by our previous odds, and get 14.99%. That's our odds of drawing the Shrieking Drake
Combine that with our odds of drawing the Cloud of Faeries
Well, that's awkward. It turns out I would've had a much better likelihood of drawing pingers. 14 strong pingers out of 98 cards means I would have nearly a 100% of getting several in a 40-card game. I guess I was just wrong about the lack of pingers. Dang, it's a good thing I did the math before writing an entire article about this combo deck. Wait...
Uncommanders - Slingers
View on ArchidektCommander (2)
Instants (20)
Creatures (23)
- 1 Alloy Myr
- 1 Archaeomancer
- 1 Ardent Elementalist
- 1 Bronze Walrus
- 1 Clever Conjurer
- 1 Cloud of Faeries
- 1 Drift of Phantasms
- 1 Hangar Scrounger
- 1 Iron Myr
- 1 Merfolk Looter
- 1 Molten Gatekeeper
- 1 Oasis Gardener
- 1 Opaline Unicorn
- 1 Ornithopter of Paradise
- 1 Peregrine Drake
- 1 Rummaging Goblin
- 1 Sage's Row Denizen
- 1 Scuttlemutt
- 1 Shrieking Drake
- 1 Silver Myr
- 1 Thought Courier
- 1 Vizier of Tumbling Sands
- 1 Witty Roastmaster
Artifacts (3)
Lands (37)
Enchantments (3)
So, this isn't exactly the best deck I've ever built, with a 1 in 5 chance of drawing the combos the deck is built around. It's possible that the deck draws more than 40 cards in a game, but still, the odds are terrible. At least I can say lesson learned. Tutoring for creature-based combos in blue and red is not easy at all.
What's a deck that you discovered wasn't viable after you built it?