Pauper Commander - Lazotep Chancellor

Lazotep Chancellor by Josu Hernai
The Unexplored Territory of pEDH
The commanders of EDH are all pretty well explored. Almost every deck is pretty recognizable, from the busted Dragon that is Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm
But not in pEDH! There's just as many commander options, but the format's full of new land. Check out this card I found!
Two more power on the board for one mana every time you discard? We can make a huge Army with this! I had no idea this card even existed, but a simple scryfall search revealed it to me. There's so much to be discovered in pEDH, it feels like I'm searching through the jungle for El Dorado. Let's see what we can make with this guy.
Pieces of the Puzzle
Clearly, the first part of this deck needs to be discard. We need to be discarding cards for as little mana as possible in order to pay the tax and make our Zombie Army bigger. Then, we need to decide what to do with the Zombie. I've played against all kinds of Sauron, the Dark Lord
Droppin' Cards (And Drawing Them!)
But first, the part we know how to do. The cool thing about discard is that it usually comes tacked on with card draw. There's a million cards that say draw, then discard, called looters, and those are the ones we want to use. How about Compulsive Research
But what if we could discard cards for zero mana? Here's where our looters come in. All of them require a two-mana investment during an early turn, but once they lose their summoning sickness, we can draw and discard for the small price of tapping them. That can become an absolute load of value, especially if we control more than one of them. My favorite has to be Looter il-Kor
While looting is a great way to trigger our commander, there are other ways to discard. Check out Oblivion Crown
Bone Splinters
Sac or Smack?
Now that we're getting plenty of triggers on our commander, let's figure out what to do with that Zombie Army. There's no shortage of sacrifice outlets in Pauper, but usually, when I'm playing them, I'm doing it for the sacrifice itself, not the payoff. There's not much point in sacrificing a 2/2 just to get the temporary buff on Nantuko Husk
These cards make up most of our payoff for the Army. Most of the time, the Army is simply an effective chump blocker, or sacrifice fodder. However, there are a few cards in the deck that immediately change our gameplan should we see them in our hand. Haunted Cloak
But sometimes, just attacking isn't good enough. We need that damage to be direct. The cards Essence Harvest
Goin' Mad
At this point, the deck is quite satisfactory. Our card filtering is very effective, and we can feed a Voltron gameplan without running out of cards. There's a ton of evasion, and we're difficult to stop given how fast we can rebuild. However, there's one problem: a ton of the cards that we're discarding just go to waste. The deck doesn't utilize the graveyard very well, as it's focused on just the discard. I don't think I want to add a graveyard package either, as it'll diminish the consistency of the deck. However, I did notice one card in the deck that might provide the solution. Hell Mongrel
Hidden Gems
When building a deck just with scryfall filters, you tend to find some very underplayed cards that you wouldn't find elsewhere. Cast Dihada's Ploy
Uncommanders - Dis' card is nuts
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
Lands (38)
- 1 Dimir Aqueduct
- 1 Escape Tunnel
- 18 Island
- 18 Swamp
Enchantments (5)
Instants (19)
Artifacts (8)
Deck Complete!
That's the deck! This is one of my favorite decks I've built, mostly because of the unusual themes. The more obscure cards I get to build with, the more fun I have brewing. On top of that, I get to find plenty of new cards to build with. Every time I write one of these articles, I keep track of all the new cards I find when building it. My count here is 13. That's thirteen new cards that I can consider for future decks. Did I write about any cards you haven't heard of before? Any that you might consider? Until next time, happy brewing!