Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Pauper/Budget

(Lazav, Familiar Stranger by Tyler Jacobson
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*Godawful Southern Accent Engaged* What's up, Y'all?
We're in the wild west for this one, and to say I'm excited for what these frontiers have to offer is quite the understatement. What will we discover out here? Card advantage engines? More Treasure-themed cards? Maybe even some iconic cartoon characters? Let's get straight to it!
Honest Rutstein
I've felt for a while that Eternal Witness
Lazav, Familiar Stranger
Committing a crime is a new mechanic that's notable for how easy it is to make bad jokes with, but also for how ridiculously easy it is to trigger. All you have to do is tap Tim
Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius
Being in Simic is a bit unfortunate, in the way that it closes off all the impulse draw of red, but there's still an absolute load of mechanics that cast from exile or the graveyard. Foretell is the first that comes to mind, followed by flashback, of course, and a two-mana reduction is no joke. Many cards become ridiculously cheap with that, and the potential to storm off is immense. If I were to build this deck, I'd have to stick to either the graveyard or exile theme, so that I can consistently mill myself to maximize flashback-esque abilities, or so that I can run exile matters cards.
Ertha Jo, Frontier Mentor
My absolute favorite thing in a commander is when it lets me play with weird cards, and how many other commanders are going to let me play Furystoke Giant
Except for Mindslaver
Nurturing Pixie
There's a surprisingly large market for these little white creatures that bounce other permanents. Whitemane Lion
Holy Cow
I've never seen something so majestic! That Aura! Those wings! The way the light wraps around its elegant form, like an angel in the light. Holy Cow
Armored Armadillo
As someone from Texas, I can tell you that armadillos aren't usually this cool. For the most part, they just dig through your garden and aren't terribly intimidating. Even if you were to put armor on one, I can't imagine it would be very effective in combat, just like this one. This guy is a mini Wall, but Arcades, the Strategist
What's that? It has an activated ability?
The only place to play this is in toughness matters decks, which have plenty of effects that transform butts into brawn anyways. It might've been a cool design if its toughness punched when it got saddled up, but as it is, it's as useless as real armadillos.
Visage Bandit
Clones are strong effects to have in a deck, both for the purpose of duplicating the best thing on the table or for having doubles of your own best effects. The most important thing when evaluating a clone is double checking what it can copy, because half of them can only copy your own stuff, like Visage Bandit
Loan Shark
This set's all about puns, isn't it? What's the deal with this new lore design? Throughout the years, I've noticed there's been two sides to Magic: humor, and unapologetic edginess. Ever since Alpha, Magic's been funny, from satirical flavor text, like on Frantic Search
Seize the Secrets
Two mana for cards is not a bad rate, especially when the additional cost is so low. At first I thought that committing a crime would require you to spend a removal spell or something, but nope, all you have to do is target your opponents' permanents. Something as simple as untapping a creature with Kelpie Guide
Hollow Marauder
Getting six or more creatures in a graveyard is a trivial task in any deck with black, especially if you build the deck right. The more creatures you have, the more effective milling yourself will be, and it shouldn't take long at all for this to be a one-mana card advantage piece. Given how quickly the average mana values of Commander decks are falling, you're likely to draw three cards off this. That's like Ancestral Recall
Forsaken Miner
Is this the new Gravecrawler
Servant of the Stinger
Let's start with the obvious here: this is worse than Demonic Tutor
Cunning Coyote and Resilient Roadrunner
This is the kind of humor I'm looking for. It's a clever, notable reference in a fitting landscape, and the in-game interaction between the two cards is extremely flavorful. I can't imagine how much fun it would be to actually counter the Coyote
Highway Robbery
Ah, yes, our reliable set reprint of Tormenting Voice
Rodeo Pyromancers
This is some pretty relevant ramp. It's not the kind that will let you cast a seven drop on turn five, but casting a four-drop and three-drop can still be extremely relevant. It even turns one-mana cantrips into rituals! Coming down for four mana is a lot, but the decks that want weird mana boosts, like Omnath, Locus of All
Tumbleweed Rising
A tumbleweed showdown is the event in my life that I least expected, but also the one that's most needed. Two mana to double the biggest creature on your board is pretty great in mono-green, especially in those Ghalta, Primal Hunger
Aloe Alchemist
This is a cool concept that adds a decent bit of possibility to the whole plot mechanic, but I can't help but feel like there's not much point? The thing that plot improves about foretell is how you can cast it for free when you need it. It really allows you to get the most out of your turns, and this card lets me do none of that. I don't need a free 3/2 on a later turn, I need a free pump spell on a later turn, because paying two mana for the effect is plain bad.
Stubborn Burrowfiend
Holy crap, I just looked up badger teeth, and I never realized how intimidating those little guys are. This depiction is a bit exaggerated, but I've realized that I could very much be mauled by a badger if I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That being said, I could totally get mauled by this thing, too. As I mentioned, filling your graveyard with creatures is a trivial task, and saddle 2 is a trivial task for attacking with a 10/10. Once again, Karador, Ghost Chieftain
Look, if you don't tell your draft opponent, "this town ain't big enough for the two of us," what are you even doing?
While the cheesy nature of the set still irks me a bit, I can't deny that the design is fantastic, and that every artist who worked on this absolutely popped off. I really had a blast exploring the cards in this set, and discovering the new things that they could all do. While I remember Magic's edgier days with great fondness, if this is the direction they continue to go in, I'm all for it, because they're doing a fantastic job. Let me know in the comments, how do you feel about Wizard's current design choices?