My Top Five Downshifted Commanders From Commander Masters - Shower Thoughts

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle | Illustrated by Even Amundsen
Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma | Illustrated by Svetlin Velinov
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another installment of Shower Thoughts, the budget Commander series that proves that Magic isn't pay-to-win. This week I'll be reviewing and ranking my picks for the top five downshifted commanders from Commander Masters. As always, I'll include a list of key budget cards you should add if you decide to build these commanders. Don't forget to vote for the next deck tech you want to see down below.
#5 - Taigam, Sidisi's Hand
This commander first appeared in the Commander 2017 Wizard precon, and at the time of writing they only helm 310 decks and are only in 2,137 decks, which seems insanely low to me. This commander is an amazing card advantage engine and removal that you have access to from your command zone. I do wish their effect replaced all draws like Underrealm Lich
My biggest issue with Taigam is how expensive mana-wise they are. Dimir isn't known for its ability to ramp, so if Taigam gets removed enough, it can be a problem for the deck. However, they're still an interesting commander that provides powerful card advantage and a unique play style, which is why I put them at the number five spot.
Key budget cards to include: Araumi of the Dead Tide
#4 - Akiri, Fearless Voyager
When building Equipment decks, people think of Voltron strategies, but Akiri doesn't want to suit just herself up; instead, she wants an army of equipped creatures to swing in with. While you could still play Equipment like Loxodon Warhammer
It was a close battle between Akiri and number three on my list. The reason I decided to put her at number four was the lack of a win con from the command zone. Yes, you could try to suit her up and knock people out with commander damage, but I think there are better commanders for that gameplan. I'd still recommend her if you want to try a more unique Equipment commander.
Key budget cards to include: Danitha Capashen, Paragon
#3 - Melek, Izzet Paragon
Izzet commanders are generally known for their ability to sling spells and create massive value, and Melek is no exception to this rule. Melek, while still a general spellslinger commander, has a unique play pattern compared to the likes of Veyran, Voice of Duality
Melek just barely beat out Akiri for the number three spot because it's possible to win the game on the turn you cast Melek given the right set-up and the value from copying spells, so give this Weird Wizard a whirl!
Key budget cards to include: Thousand-Year Storm
#2 - Judith, the Scourge Diva
If you love sacrificing creatures and putting on a fabulous show, I have just the commander for you! Despite this downshift, she's still a powerhouse that can perform at high-powered tables. Her second ability is where she really shines as a commander. Since she's the one dealing the damage, you can infect people out of the game with Tainted Strike
Judith earns her number two spot thanks to being a cheap win condition from the command zone. You can choose to play her early as a value card or hold onto her until you assemble a win condition. While she isn't as flashy as other commanders, she does her job well and sometimes that's all you can ask for.
Key budget cards to include: Viscera Seer
#1 - Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle
Do you like eggs? No, I don't mean the ones from animals, I mean the artifact eggs. For the uninitiated, eggs are cheap artifacts that can be sacrificed to draw a card. The name comes from the original cycle of eggs from Odyssey. Teshar wants your deck full of Conjurer's Bauble
Teshar earned the number one spot thanks to their ability to play as a fast combo deck and a mid-range value pile. While they aren't a win condition like Judith or Melek, the repeatable value they provide simply too good to pass up.
Key budget cards to include: Oswald Fiddlebender
Honorable Mentions
Before we wrap this up, I wanted to go over some honorable mentions. These commanders are still powerful but failed to make it into my top five.
Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma
Padeem, Consul of Innovation
Kemba, Kha Regent: I happen to love mono-white Equipment decks, and Kemba is an interesting commander. My biggest issue with her is that it's an upkeep trigger, so make sure to cast her when you have protection spells ready to go; otherwise, she'll quickly become prohibitively expensive to cast. However, I do love her in the 99 of Akiri, Fearless Voyager to generate tokens.
What are your thoughts on these downshifted commanders? Personally, I think each of them deserves their lower rarity mostly due to power creep. And yes, I know rarity is also considered when creating a Limited format, which I'm sure was a factor in their rarity downshift too. But remember, just because a commander is uncommon doesn't mean it is bad, so next time you want to brew a new deck, give one of these commanders a shot.
Make sure to vote for the next deck tech you want to see.
This has been another installment of BathroomBrews; make sure to check out my YouTube channel, BathroomBrewsMTG, for weekly MTG content and the accompanying video. Also, make sure to check out my Patreon at if you want to take your support further.