My Top 10 Commanders of 2024... So Far

The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride | Illustrated by Johan Grenier
Hey, nerds! We're halfway through the year and Wizards has already released over 220 new commanders and eight sets, not including Bloomburrow, and, as is tradition, I'll be giving you my top 10 commanders of 2024 that I've played with and/or against. They aren't listed in power order, but how fun they were at the table. Also, make sure to stay tuned for my final list at the end of the year. I'd love to hear what commanders you've enjoyed this year!
Without further ado, let's get into it.
#10 - Voja, Jaws of the Conclave
At number ten is Voja, Jaws of the Conclave
#9 - Judith, Carnage Connoisseur
This Rakdos spellslinger commander was a house to play with and against. My friend has an Obosh, the Preypiercer
#8 - Caesar, Legion's Emperor
Say what you want about the Universes Beyond, the Commander decks are solid and fun. I've mostly played against the stock Caesar, Legion's Emperor
#7 - Azlask, the Swelling Scourge
It shouldn't be a surprise my most recent deck tech is on this list. I've loved Eldrazi since Worldwake, and I've wanted to build Eldrazi for so long, but the colorless options never interested me, but now we have a powerful five-color option, that also lends itself to be pretty inexpensive. I wish I could put Azlask higher up on the list, but I've only managed to play with it two times as of writing. We'll see if they end up higher on my year-end list. However, turning Scions and Spawns into massive annihilating threats doesn't seem like it'll get old to me. Only time will tell, though!
#6 - Laughing Jasper Flint
If you're looking for a fun theft deck that happens to be a kindred deck at the same time, Jasper is your Lizard. Maybe I'm an awful friend, but I enjoy stealing cards from my playgroup and seeing what broken interactions I can find with cards outside of my colors. Some of my favorite hits have been the following: Exploration
#5 - Kaust, Eyes of the Glade
My friends seem to brew fun decks, and Kaust is one of them. If you don't remember this commander, I don't blame you. It's the disguise commander from the Murders at Karlov Manor Naya precon. The sole reason for this not being higher up is because there is always someone at my table yelling, "You activated my trap card!" It's funny the first time, and makes me pull my hair out the fifteenth (if I had hair). Jokes aside, this is a much more interesting morph/disguise commander than Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer
#4 - Shilgengar, Sire of Famine
If you've read my previous MH3 article, you'll know I originally brushed Shilgengar off as another boring sacrifice commander, but my friend and I were talking and we realized this is actually an absolutely cracked blink commander. With mass blink effects, his second ability is basically a mass blink spell for three mana, and you can use the Blood to rummage away cards you don't need or fill your graveyard to blink things. I actually have a dedicated deck tech that you should check out. My friend also built a list with things laying around their apartment and it still has amazing games. I have a feeling this commander might move up before the end of the year, so if you're looking for a unique blink commander that's resilient and fun, check out Shilgengar.
#3 - Mr. House, President and CEO
Rolling dice gives my brain happy chemicals, and winning dice rolls gives me even more happy chemicals, so it shouldn't be a surprise that the dice commander from the year makes it on this list, especially this high up (or low I guess?). If you'd have asked me before Outlaws of Thunder Junction was released, I'd have said Mr. House was easily number one on my list, but somehow two commanders came in and grabbed the number 1 and 2 spots, respectively. With that said, Mr. House has been a blast to play with and against. You get to play cards like The Deck of Many Things
#2 - Taii Wakeen, Perfect Shot
I did a video fun ranking all of the OTJ commanders, and Taii Wakeen wasn't put very high on that list. I think that was a HUGE mistake from me. It turns out this commander is fun and powerful and can be built on a budget (check out my deck tech for them). This is a combo-focused commander that provides a ton of card draw and a win condition from the command zone all for two mana. It has a unique play pattern since you want to gift your opponents with tokens to then blow up for value. If you don't enjoy a combo deck, maybe avoid Taii, but honestly, you should give this commander a shot (pun intended) before you brush them off.
#1 - The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride
If you know me in real life or have followed my content for any amount of time, you know I love Golgari, but more specifically I love The Gitrog Monster
I would love to hear what your favorite commander of 2024 is so far! Have you played any of the ones on my list? Disagree with their placements? Let me know either down below or over on Twitter @BathroomMTG.
Alright nerds, I'll see you in the next one!