Modern Horizons 3 Set Review - Minotaur

Arena of Glory by Jorge Jacinto
White | Blue | Black | Red | Green | Colorless | Artifacts & Lands | Allied & Shards | Enemy & Wedges | cEDH | Reprints | Minotaurs | Budget
New Horizons, Same Pastures
Hello! Welcome to a new horizon with Modern Horizons! I always look forward to these when they come out. Arguably, Modern Horizons 2 is what introduced me to the format with the Neoform Affinity deck I brewed, so I'm beyond excited to see how the third entry shakes up the format's meta and all the spicy new brews that will come from these cards.
Now, this review is going to be a little different than my normal reviews. Primarily my reviews are targeted towards EDH and Pioneer, as this is where I believe Minotaurs are most effective. But with Modern Horizons 3, none of these cards are playable in Pioneer, and thus this article will instead include my thoughts on Modern Minotaur decks and strategies.
Modern is a weird format for Minotaurs. The biggest issue is that Minotaurs are just too slow for the power-level Modern exists in: we have a single one-mana creature and a handful of two-mana creatures, with the bulk of our power laying at three to five mana. That just doesn't cut it these days with Yawgmoth Combo, Rakdos Scam, and Domain.
Included here is a decklist of what I believe a solid Modern Minotaur kindred deck looks like leading up to Modern Horizons 3, and I recommend using it as a baseline for this review to understand where I'm coming from and where Minotaurs current are found wanting.
But with that out of the way, let's sink our teeth into these powerful new cards and uncover the hidden gems for Minotaurs!
Chthonian Nightmare
This recurring nightmare
I see using this card primarily as insurance against board wipes. As long as Sethron
Most of the Minotaurs we want to bring back cost three or more mana, which is perfect for the energy we receive. However, if we bring back any cheaper Minotaurs, we can stockpile energy to bring back heavy hitters, like Moraug
I think this is huge, as Minotaur decks are based around momentum. They need a bit of set-up time in order to start popping off, so being able to quickly recover a board state will allow us to stay in the game to apply pressure.
For Modern, as I said, I don't see it being too useful. Without the Sethron
Eviscerator's Insight
I've been on the fence with for the past few days without any resolution as to how useful it is.
To me, it's most comparable to Village Rites
On the one hand, Rites
On the other hand, Insight
Ultimately, which you prefer is up to your playstyle and deck composition, but personally I think Rites
In Modern, it might be useful to include a single copy as a Hail Mary at refilling our hand. While I can't speak to the play patterns of Modern Minotaurs, my experience with Pioneer Minotaurs has shown me that we often have a high life total for being on the offensive, so it shouldn't be too much of risk to exchange life for cards, unless we're facing a burn deck.
However, the reason I wouldn't want to add any more copies is that triple black mana is a difficult cost to cast as most playable Minotaurs are primarily red, meaning our mana bases skew more in that direction, and any other copies would start to push out the lord Minotaurs
In EDH, though, I wouldn't run this over Necropotence
However, while Scarhide might be a 2/1 that can't block, Nethergoyf
In addition, Nethergoyf
For EDH, this is fine, but I don't think it will be nearly as impactful, as its scaling can only increase so far, and it caring about only our graveyard holds it back from being any real threat in pod.
Toxic Deluge
This is an awesome reprint for Commander, as its one of black's best removal spells in the format. Unfortunately, in Modern I fear this could prove to be a problem for Minotaurs, as there really isn't a way for us to protect ourselves against it.
Most cards that buff Minotaurs add power or keywords, and most Minotaurs have more power than toughness, so it doesn't take much of an investment to wipe out the entire board we spent the game building up with one deluge
Really, the only way we can beat this in Modern is if we act aggressively to bring their life total too low to comfortable cast deluge
Fell the Profane
This is a bad removal spell any way you slice it. Most playable single-target removal spells nowadays cost two or less mana
However, this card doubling as a land makes this a little trickier to evaluate at first glance. Due to its mana cost and the flip side require to bolt yourself to play the black land untapped, this seems most suited for EDH to me. Being both a land and a kill spell means it's easy to slot into any deck and realistically won't hurt your consistency. Its strength is that it can be whatever the situation demands. If you need a threat removed, it can do that. If your short on land drops, then it can be that, too.
Fell the Profane
Ashling, Flame Dancer
One of the slight downsides of Neheb in EDH is that the mana he generates post combat disappears unless used right away. If you don't have a good outlet for the mana, then it's just wasted. But Ashling
It should also be noted that the mana storing effect has redundancy with Leyline Tyrant
Detective's Phoenix
This Phoenix
I think this is huge with Neheb, the Worthy
Simply put, I think this Phoenix
Flare of Duplication
Flare of Duplication
Normally this type of effect costs two red mana, like with Reverberate
Ghostfire Slice
This is just a good sideboard card in Modern, and I know most decks that run red are evaluating this.
The simple fact is that it's just efficient removal against Domain and Omnath
Ghostfire Slice
Party Thrasher
Party Thrasher
I think this can be very powerful in the correct setup, and I'm very interested in experimenting with him, even in non-discard-focused lists.
In EDH there might be a case here, as all it takes is one player to cast a spell and suddenly the whole table knows what mana value spell they are discouraged from using until our turn. I can see this creating some fun political situations as we can try to encourage player to play into it for the exchange of favours.
Over all this card is just weird but powerful, and its possible I'm being blinded by the high roll scenarios.
Sundering Eruption
Three mana to destroy a land is on rate for comparable cards like Stone Rain
The land must be basic, so it still punishes Tron or other multicolored decks, but to me it still doesn't meaningfully disrupt mana bases.
However, the second effect is interesting, in that it prevents non flyers from blocking. This is very important as blockers are often what holds back Minotaur kindred in 1v1 formats. It allows us to get in damage and make future combats more dangerous, as well as forcing our opponent on the defensive.
Partially disrupting mana bases and attacking uncontested is something I encourage to test out in any format this card is legal, and if it's a dead card with the current board state, you have a land drop at the very least.
Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury
The Boros titan is here, and he fits right in with Firesong and Sunspeaker
In addition, I don't imagine it will be hard to escape with Phlage
So the long and short of it, Phlage
Bloodsoaked Insight
Bloodsoaked Insight
It's a little unorthodox for a draw spell, as we're not drawing from our deck, rather the top three cards of an opponents' deck, which means the cards we can play likely won't synergize with our Minotaurs, but it is denying resources to our opponent and using their cards against them. And perhaps we might even disrupt a combo.
But, the icing on the cake is that if this card can't reasonably be cast we can instead use it as a land drop to keep our deck on curve, even if the land enters tapped.
Emrakul, the World Anew
Okay, I might be having some Eldrazi-induced madness here, but I really like the new Emrakul
I don't think this is too difficult to achieve in EDH through mana rocks, and Minotaurs already have enough discard effects to facilitate the madness, and being able to steal an entire board of creatures will be back breaking for our opponents.
The problem though is that if we can't assemble the mana during the game, Emrakul is kind of a dead card in hand. That is unless we're opting to pull some shenanigans with Didgeridoo
Urza's Incubator
I'll be honest here, I'm pretty jazzed about this reprint. Not only is this amazing for Minotaur EDH decks, but I think there might be a slim chance this is good in Modern Minotaur decks.
The biggest problem Minotaurs have is that they lack many impactful low-to-the-ground creatures and instead rely on momentum to build into an unstoppable force. Urza's Incubator puts us on the fast track, allowing us to skip the momentum phase and just flood the board with our cows.
A comparable effect is is Heartless Summoning
Now in Modern, maybe I'm dreaming too big here, as the Incubator might be too slow due to it doing nothing the turn its played. However, if it resolves Minotaurs will be turbo charged as with it and Ragemonger
I really believe this is something we should look into as if we play this on turn three, our turn four and five become very explosive and dangerous. And maybe, just maybe this is the key for Minotaurs to rise up and become threatening in the Modern format.
Vexing Bauble
This Bauble
In addition, it gives us something to do turn one, as we really don't have much play unfortunately. And it being one generic mana means it can always be played. Finally, when game enters top deck mode we can cash in the Bauble
Now there is a slight danger of this card as it can also impact Minotaurs thanks to the mana reduction ability of Ragemonger
Arena of Glory
I love this call back to Amonkhet with Hazoret's Trial and having exert on a land is just elegant card design, but it's what it does for the Minotaurs that intrigues me most.
Arena of Glory
However, the Exert effect means we have to be careful with this land as it will take a turn to recharge and restrict the mana available to us on the next turn. I don't think this will be too much of an issue, but it's something that needs to remain in the back of your mind when playing with the Arena.
Sunsets and Fun Sets
And with that, the new Horizon has been explored. It's certainly been an exciting set, and I can't wait to see all the shake ups that come to Modern from it. Minotaurs might not have gotten love I wished they had, but I am still interested in trying out all the new tech made available to use now.
I understand that the wonders of Bloomburrow are fast approaching, and while I don't anticipate Minotaurs to be present in the cutesy animal world, you never know what will await us there.
So until then, see you later and be sure to check out the Modern Horizon 3 reviews on the Commanders Herald.