Legends Legends - Rasputin Dreamweaver

Rasputin Dreamweaver by Andi Rusu
Hello, and welcome back to another exciting installment of Legends Legends, the weekly column where we build a thematic, playable Commander deck around one of the original legendary creatures from 1994. This week we're brewing a Rasputin Dreamweaver
General Thoughts
First off, please listen to this while you read the article.
Rasputin Dreamweaver
Grandpa Dreamweaver creates some unique play patterns for a blue and white deck. Running out Rasputin usually means you'll have seven more mana to spend, which we can use immediately to further ramp into a Chromatic Orrery
This makes him extremely effective for enabling those mana-intensive combos. Cards like Deadeye Navigator
And if we can capitalize on some other classic ETB combos along the way, that's even better.
Rasputin's Dreams
Rasputin's dreams are prophetic visions of things to come, foretelling future combos and synergies. In game terms, we'll spend the early game prepping for our key combos by tutoring up the important pieces, then protecting them with our counter magic. This means using Mystical Tutor
If we can find our Laboratory Maniac
Ultimately, much of the play for this Commander deck will be learning to read your opening hands and identifying which combo you have the most pieces for, then tutoring for the final card. The deck can putter along generally well by blinking the classically valuable ETB creatures, like Mulldrifter
Rasputin's Nightmares
You could write a book on how many ways there are to assemble an infinite combo in these colors. All of the essentials are here: Deadeye Navigator
Creatures from the darkest corners of Rasputin's subconscious make the best threats, so even without our near-infinite mana, we can easily ramp into an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
The Curse of Knowledge
One of the best play patterns in this deck is casting Rasputin Dreamweaver
Personally, I have trouble divorcing my inner Timmy from my deck builds, so your outlets for your combos may differ according to taste. This Rasputin Dreamweaver
Mana Base
With a six-mana commander, we can't afford to miss a land drop, and we ought to drop a mana rock or two early on as well. To that end, we're running what some might consider a few too many lands at 37. In addition, we've got seven of the more basic mana rocks in Azorius colors, notably Chromatic Orrery
Budget Options
This deck clocks in at a resounding $472 at time of writing, $124 of which is Rasputin Dreamweaver
First, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines
Mana Drain
Rasputin Dreamweaver Deck List
Legends Legends - Rasputin Dreamweaver
View on ArchidektCreatures (19)
- 1 Agent of Treachery
- 1 Ancient Silver Dragon
- 1 Archaeomancer
- 1 Deadeye Navigator
- 1 Displacer Kitten
- 1 Eldrazi Displacer
- 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines
- 1 It That Betrays
- 1 Laboratory Maniac
- 1 Mnemonic Wall
- 1 Mulldrifter
- 1 Peregrine Drake
- 1 Restoration Angel
- 1 Skyscanner
- 1 Solemn Simulacrum
- 1 Soulherder
- 1 Suture Priest
- 1 Tribute Mage
- 1 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Artifacts (16)
Sorceries (10)
Instants (15)
Enchantments (2)
Wrap Up
While this Rasputin Dreamweaver
Thanks for reading! Check back next week when we tackle another Legends Legend.