It's a Storm...a Crime Storm: Kaervek, the Punisher Deck Tech

Queer Phyrexia • May 3, 2024

Kaervek, the Punisher by Cristi Balanescu

Howdy, partners! Welcome back for another exhilarating ride through Thunder Junction! Can you believe it? We've been here for weeks now, and yet not a single crime committed. My buddy Kaervek, the Punisher might just be itching to take us out for a little spree.

Now, fair warning, this ain't for the faint of heart, and if you've got a fondness for your pals, I wouldn't recommend it, but hey! Where's the thrill in playing it safe, huh? We all love to indulge our wild side from time to time, don't we? Well, guess what? The time is now! Let's kick off our Crime Storm!

How to Commit a Crime in Magic

Alright, gather 'round, and picture this: you're locked in a heated duel, mana swirling around you like a tempest, and suddenly, the perfect opportunity arises to unleash chaos upon your opponent. That's where "commit a crime" comes into play. It's your chance to throw caution to the wind and dive headfirst into the realm of mischief and mayhem. Maybe you're casting a spell like Raven's Crime, forcing your opponent to discard, or perhaps you're using Snuff Out to swiftly snuff out their strongest creature, leaving them scrambling for defense. Whatever your flavor of delinquency, committing a crime lets you embrace your inner rogue and turn the tides of battle in your favor.

So, fellow planeswalkers, are you ready to stir up some trouble and leave your opponents shaking in their boots? The time to unleash your inner outlaw is now!

Cards? Not in Y'all's Hands!

Now, let's venture into the realm of discard strategies, the subtle art of dismantling our opponents' plans before they even have a chance to unfold. Let's say your opponent holds a hand brimming with potential, their strategy laid bare before them, but we, my friends, hold the power to disrupt their carefully laid schemes. With cards like Thoughtseize, Grief, Hymn to Tourach, and the ruthless Smallpox, we plunge into the depths of their mind, stripping away their most precious resources with ruthless efficiency.

Yet, our ambition does not end with mere disruption. Oh no, we thrive on turning their misfortune to our advantage. Enter cards like Waste Not, Raiders' Wake, The Rack, Geth's Grimoire, and the ominous Tergrid, God of Fright. These tools ensure that every discarded card becomes a stepping stone towards our inevitable victory, so as our opponents struggle to salvage their shattered plans, we revel in the spoils of their downfall, ever ready to seize control of the chaos we have wrought, for in the game of Magic, triumph belongs to those who wield the power of discard with cunning and precision.

Creatures? Not on Y'all's Boards!

Let's delve into the art of removal spells, the swift hand that sweeps away our opponents' threats with precision. We'll undoubtedly find yourself in the situation our opponent summons a formidable creature onto the battlefield, ready to wreak havoc upon your plans, but fear not, for we have the means to swiftly dispatch such nuisances. Cards like Deadly Rollick, Long Goodbye, Tragic Slip, and Snuff Out are our weapons of choice, ensuring that no threat lingers for long.

However, our strategy doesn't end with merely removing their creatures from the board. Oh no, we're not content with just neutralizing their threats; we aim to turn their own creatures against them. Through spells like Reanimate, Animate Dead, and the grim presence of Syr Konrad, the Grim, we seize control of their fallen warriors, bending them to our will. Picture it: their once-mighty champions now fighting in our ranks, a testament to the power of manipulation and the inevitable downfall of our adversaries.

As our opponents watch in dismay while their forces crumble and turn against them, we stand ready, masterfully wielding the very essence of their demise to further our own conquest, for in the game of Magic, victory favors the cunning strategist who knows how to wield both destruction and reanimation with finesse.

How to Win with Kaervek?

Now that the town (our friends) has endured enough poking and prodding and our graveyard boasts a plethora of cards, the question arises: how do we secure victory? The answer lies in two formidable assets: our commander, [elKaervek, the Punisher[/el], and the insidious Tendrils of Agony. You might ponder, "How on earth do we amass a storm count sufficient to claim victory?" Ah, but that's where Kaervek shines.

You see, the architects of his ability overlooked a crucial detail: the absence of a limiting factor such as "once per turn." With this oversight, we seize the opportunity to unleash havoc with unparalleled frequency. We commit a crime, then with Kaervek's relentless ability, we chain together our arsenal of spells from the graveyard, each cast exacting a toll of mere 2 life points. Then, like detonating dynamite, Tendrils of Agony erupts, unleashing a torrent of lethal damage, sealing our triumph in a blaze of devastation.

As the dust settles and our adversaries lie vanquished, we stand amidst the aftermath of our conquest, triumphant and exhilarated. Our journey through Thunder Junction has been a wild ride, filled with daring escapades, cunning strategies, and unexpected twists. From the subtle art of discard to the devastating power of removal spells, we've wielded every tool at our disposal with finesse and flair.

Beyond the thrill of victory, our adventures in this chaotic frontier have taught us valuable lessons. We've learned the importance of adaptability, innovation, and the sheer joy of embracing our inner rogue. In the world of Magic: The Gathering, where every duel is a story waiting to unfold, it's not just about winning games; it's about crafting unforgettable narratives, forging friendships, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

A True Outlaw of Thunder Junction

As we bid farewell to Thunder Junction and set our sights on new horizons, let us carry with us the spirit of adventure, the thrill of the chase, and the unwavering determination to conquer whatever challenges lie ahead, for in the vast multiverse of Magic, the journey never truly ends, and the next chapter promises even greater exploits and grander triumphs. Until then, fellow planeswalkers, may your spells be swift, your strategies cunning, and your adventures legendary. Safe travels, and may the thrill of the game always be by your side.

Crime Storm

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Chloee Hoyle is the universe's biggest Yargle stan, loves long walks through the swamps of Urborg and is most definitely not infected with any "Glistening Oil" or whatever that is. When they aren't going tor a stroll on Urborg, Chloee likes to brew janky and outside of the box edh decks!