Innistrad: Midnight Hunt EDH Set Review - Red

Red. The color of passion, anger, and most thematically, blood. Welcome to my review of the red cards from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt. Vampires, werewolves, and burn spells, oh my! Lets jump into it!
Bloodthirsty Adversary
The red entry into the "adversary" cycle, Bloodthirsty Adversary
Moonveil Regent
When I first read Moonveil Regent
Sunstreak Phoenix
If only there was a legendary phoenix for this to slot into, alas, we still have to wait for the day that Wizards decides to release that beautiful bird. Sunstreak Phoenix
Burn Down the House
Burn Down the House
Curse of Shaken Faith
If they are going to keep coming out with curse cards that are not only fun, but good, I may have to build a Ghen, Arcanum Weaver
Falkenrath Pit Fighter
I find this card very interesting, it's got a lot of moving parts in only one line of text. Obviously this card wants to be in decks with Edgar Markov
Geistflame Reservoir
This artifact is another one to add to the spellslingers arsenal, alongside Firemind's Research
Light Up the Night
A wild Chandra appeared! To be honest I was not expecting to see her in this set at all. Light Up the Night
Reckless Stormseeker
Reckless Stormseeker is a fun, haste enabling 3 mana creature who is also a werewolf, for all those rushing to build a werewolf deck with Tovolar, Dire Overlord. Reckless Stormseeker's haste granting ability fits right at home in any Xenagos, God of Revels deck. On the flip side of the card, giving plus +2/+0 and trample in addition to haste really allows whatever creature you are targeting to get through for a good amount of damage. Any iteration of Aurelia, the Warleader, or Tajic, Blade of the Legion, or most any decks who want to turn sideways as fast as possible could use Reckless Stormseeker to make sure their armies get there and get there fast.
Smoldering Egg//Ashmouth Dragon
Did you know that this is only the fifth dragon to be released in an Innistrad set? Interesting, eh? Some folks are calling this the red Thing In the Ice, which I agree with, you theoretically could flip this with just one big spell, then afterwards have a flying 4/4 Guttersnipe. Spellslinger builds, or burn decks that play a lot of instants and sorceries would make the most out of Smoldering Egg. Kalamax, the Stormsire could use this card as another value piece, Veyran, Voice of Duality shows up again, to speed up the hatching and to deal even more damage with the flipped side. Speaking of the flipped side, it's also a juicy target for Vadrok, Apex of Thunder.
Visions of Ruin
Fun call backs on all of the "visions" cycle! For those who don't know, this is a call back to Ancient Grudge. It's ceiling is four mana for three treasures and your opponents lose an artifact each, which is a positive exchange in your favour nine times out of ten. Now, if you are playing with a smaller pod, this gets a little worse. Where this card (and all the other cards of this cycle shine) is it's flashback cost. Rewarding you for having a commander who costs a lot, you can flash this back to gain more treasures! Don't forget a little card by the name of Xorn that this pairs extremely well with. As for decks this can slide into, I can see most decks playing red just wanting this. As for more synergistic commanders, Korvold, Fae-Cursed King, Prosper, Tome-Bound, and Magda, Brazen Outlaw, would be the right fit for this card.
Notable Uncommons and Commons
Ardent Elementalist
We finally get the red Archaeomancer! This is a big boost from the other mono-red iterations of this effect (see: Ghitu Chronicler, Revolutionist). Feather, the Redeemed, Firesong and Sunspeaker decks will very much appreciate this card as they're only other options for recursion are other spells, or the six mana alternatives listed above. This card will be a staple for spellslingier decks for the foreseeable future.
Last time we saw Immolation in paper (in english) form the Toronto Blue Jays were still World Series champions. For all those non-sports fans out there, that translates to a very long time ago. This one mana enchantment does a very similar thing to Dead Weight but it can also be used as that extra pump-up for Valduk, Keeper of the Flame decks. Uril, the Miststalker negates that -2 to toughness and turns Immolation into a +4/+0 aura. In non-creature spells matter decks, this is a cheap removal spell for mana dorks and most utility creatures. Really cool to see an old card get a reprint 25+ years later.
Lunar Frenzy
You know to deal a bunch of damage all at once without having to worry about deathtouch? This is how. Another piece to add to the arsenal that is Feather, the Redeemed, swing with Feather, cast this, put a lot of mana into it, hit for big damage and repeat all again the next turn. Where this card can become really spicy is with Zada, Hedron Grinder, since Zada creates copies of the spell, all your creatures will get the +X/+0, first strike and trample.
Play With Fire
This is just better Shock, not quite Lightning Bolt better, but still, Shock with upside is nothing to scoff at. Burn decks like Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh, and Syr Carah, the Bold have a new toy to play that also smoothes out their next turns draw. Play With Fire will do more in other formats, but it will definitely find a home in EDH.
Village Watch//Village Reavers
If you are playing werewolves, you have got to be playing Village Watch. On it's frontside it's just a french vanilla 4/3 with haste, but once it becomes night and the wolves come out to play, oh boy do they ever. The new Tovolar, Dire Overlord, and even Ulrich of the Krallenhorde, could both use this card as a finisher of sorts. Having all your werewolves and wolves gain haste means a lot of damage very quickly!
Aggressive strategies got a little boost from this set but most of all, it seems like a lot of spellslinger decks received new options to improve their decks. An abundance of werewolves and supporting cards will also be out in the wild. Which of these cards are you excited to add to your deck(s)? Thanks for reading, and check out all of the other set review articles on Commander's Herald!