Cut #6 Finals - Cutting it too Close for Comfort

Avacyn's Judgment by Victor Adame
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt is out in the wild and I couldn't be more excited!
Arlinn, the Pack's Hope
The great thing about our format is that you can have a talk with whomever you sit down to play with about it. Now, you might say "but Travis, they have already released 13 Planeswalkers that can be your Commander and some can even be together in the Command Zone, isn't that enough?" To that I say, no dear reader, it isn't enough. I think I understand why Planeswalkers can't be commanders, power level issues, more possible bannings, and unfun gameplay by virtue of having a commander that if you don't deal with can get extremely out of hand extremely quickly. Also it fundamentally changes the aspect of having a Legendary Creature be your commander. Maybe I will make a challenge down the road to have people use Planeswalkers as their commanders to see what gets built and how it works out. Thanks for reading this old man rant about things that he has no power in changing. Onto the decks!
Last week Cody, Toriofthevast, and Beck all battled it out to see who would make it to this article!
Congrats Cody on coming in first, and a tie for second! Wild! Great job all. Due to personal reasons, both Toriofthevast and Beck could not contribute to this round's challenge. I would like to give them a big thanks for being on CUT, and I hope we get to see them again! Due to that I will be submitting a deck, and seeing how well I can do my own challenge!
If you remember from last time, I said that the winner would win the deck they built, and that wasn't a lie. The winner of this article will win the deck they submitted! Now here are the challenges they were bound by this week:
Max 8 Mythic/Rare Cards
Commander(s) must be Uncommon
Can only use cards in the 99 from Innistrad, Dark Ascension, Avacyn Restored, Shadows Over Innistrad, and Eldritch Moon
First up is Cody!
The Worlds Largest Draft Deck
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
Sorceries (7)
Instants (12)
Enchantments (7)
Creatures (33)
- 1 Angel of Glory's Rise
- 1 Avacyn's Pilgrim
- 1 Briarbridge Patrol
- 1 Byway Courier
- 1 Craterhoof Behemoth
- 1 Dawntreader Elk
- 1 Devout Chaplain
- 1 Doomed Traveler
- 1 Duskwatch Recruiter
- 1 Elder Cathar
- 1 Emancipation Angel
- 1 Extricator of Sin
- 1 Fiend Hunter
- 1 Foul Emissary
- 1 Goldnight Commander
- 1 Hamlet Captain
- 1 Hermit of the Natterknolls
- 1 Lambholt Elder
- 1 Mentor of the Meek
- 1 Nearheath Chaplain
- 1 Obsessive Skinner
- 1 Primal Druid
- 1 Scorned Villager
- 1 Selfless Cathar
- 1 Sigarda, Heron's Grace
- 1 Subjugator Angel
- 1 Thalia's Lieutenant
- 1 Thraben Heretic
- 1 Thraben Inspector
- 1 Tireless Tracker
- 1 Unruly Mob
- 1 Veteran Cathar
- 1 Village Bell-Ringer
Artifacts (2)
Lands (38)
Uncommon Legendary creatures tend not to put their finger down on the power scale that heavily, but that's not to say power doesn't exist at that level. Tatyova, Benthic Druid
Humans are one of the most supported creature types across Innistrad, with a ton of powerful creatures and synergies across the two blocks the plane encompasses, and a low-to-the-ground aggro deck lines up perfectly with what our commander wants to do. This deck acts on multiple axes, not only able to play a voltron-style game by pumping up our commander, but also by going wide with our army of villagers.
The biggest restriction in deckbuilding is the cap of 8 rares/mythics, which really cuts into a lot of what we're able to do. Notably, despite being a Humans deck, you'll notice that we're not playing Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
The other slots are used largely for support, for card advantage. Green and White have a hard time keeping up with other colors when trying to maintain advantage, so we've added Tireless Tracker
At the lower end of the power scale, we're running other cards to generate advantage, such as former standard all-stars Duskwatch Recruiter
To fight back, we also play a small package of removal against key threats. Green and white arm us heavily against artifacts and enchantments with cards like Naturalize
While they may not look like much, our small gathering of humans, when working together, can bowl over people who underestimate people. So grab your friends, your torches, and your pitchforks, because we're soon returning to Innistrad, and the hunt never ends.
Great job Cody! To err is human, but to grr...brains is most definitely zombie.
Presenting my deck!
Thalisse the Deck
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
Creatures (23)
- 1 Avacyn, Angel of Hope
- 1 Blood Artist
- 1 Bloodline Keeper
- 1 Dauntless Cathar
- 1 Desperate Sentry
- 1 Doomed Traveler
- 1 Drogskol Cavalry
- 1 Elgaud Inquisitor
- 1 Emissary of the Sleepless
- 1 Extricator of Sin
- 1 Falkenrath Noble
- 1 Graf Rats
- 1 Hanweir Militia Captain
- 1 Haunted Dead
- 1 Maalfeld Twins
- 1 Mausoleum Guard
- 1 Midnight Scavengers
- 1 Nearheath Chaplain
- 1 Pious Evangel
- 1 Subjugator Angel
- 1 Unruly Mob
- 1 Voice of the Provinces
- 1 Wakedancer
Enchantments (9)
Instants (13)
Lands (38)
Artifacts (1)
Poking around the uncommon legendaries, a few popped out to me at first Narfi, Betrayer King
First off, the tokens producers found in those blocks are mostly rare and/or mythic, so I really had to split hairs and choose the ones I believed fit into my style of play the most. Hanweir Militia Captain
Alongside the creatures that create tokens for us, we have a few spells to help us out in our Campaign of Vengeance
Now that we have ways to generate a solid amount of tokens, lets talk on how we get them through for damage. Intangible Virtue
There are lots of enter the battlefield/death trigger effects that create tokens in this deck, so we have a few reanimating spells to bring back those token makers. There were a few cards printed in Shadows Over Innistrad that exiled themselves to create tokens, and they are welcomed with open arms. What would an Innistrad-themed deck be with the clad in black white angel herself, Avacyn, Angel of Hope
Thank you for joining us for this first Innistrad-tacular Cut challenge. I hope all of the deck builders throughout these 2 rounds had a great time. Remember to vote down below for your favorite deck and comment below on what you would've done with this challenge.
Speaking of challenges, here are the challenges for the next round of Cut!
Commander have to be from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, or I:MH Commander Decks
The 99 has to be Modern legal
Each of the following Card types must be represented at least 12 times (Creature, Artifact, Instant, Sorcery, and Enchantment)
Tune in next time for a whole new round of Cut with all new deck builders! Until next time, if you don't love it, cut it!
If you or a friend are interested in participating in a future Cut article please send an email to .
Poll closes October 15th, 2021!