Commander's Herald Weekly Update - New Secret Lairs Announced

Welcome back to the Commander's Herald weekly update, where we get current with all the happenings of the past week. This week was exciting for Commander players of all types with several big announcements.
Strixhaven Prerelease Stamps
One of the major discoveries over the past weekend was the change in foil stamps for prerelease promotional cards. Wizards of the Coast has changed the promotional stamps a few times over the past few years, this time featuring a stamp of the year the set was released.
Forgot we updated the prerelease stamp with #MTGStrixhaven
What do y’all think? #WOTCstaff
— Daniel Holt, Kamigawan Otter (@imdanielholt) April 17, 2021
My #MTGStrixhaven Prerelease pack arrived so let's take a look.
Starting with a spicy promo
— PauperPlanes (@PauperPlanes) April 20, 2021
The stamp has undergone several different iterations, most recently being the dates of the prerelease weekend for the set. It was not announced before the prerelease events began that the promotional stamp had changed so it was definitely a surprise to many as the first packs of the set were opened. Changing the stamp should only leave one different stamp per year instead of unique stamps for each set, but that will be confirmed once the next set is released.
Secret Lair Announcements
The middle of the week did not slow down for Wizards of the Coast and its partners with announcements. Thursday featured several new Secret Lair drops each previewed by a different gaming or pop culture website.
An exclusive preview of Magic: The Gathering’s Secret Lair drop
— Polygon (@Polygon) April 22, 2021 announced the presumably last part of the Mystical Archive premium art treatment for Strixhaven: School of Mages. These special frames match the borders that were used in the Mystical Archive inserts in Strixhaven with non-Standard legal cards. Some multiformat all-stars such as All Is Dust
The second Secret Lair that was announced comes as a major surprise in style with its treatment of basic lands. Considering that the outlet previewing the new Secret Lair product is the satire site The Hard Drive this shouldn't come as too much surprise though.
remember when Magic the Gathering gave us cards to reveal & told us they were gonna be really awesome? and then it ended up just being 5 basic lands??? apparently they feel bad & are going to let us redeem ourselves. holy shit i’m so excited to do a REAL card reveal this time!!!
— Hard Drive (@HardDriveMag) April 22, 2021
The Hard Drive has been involved with a few previews before, each time bringing their own lighthearted style to the announcement.
— Hard Drive (@HardDriveMag) April 22, 2021
— Hard Drive (@HardDriveMag) April 22, 2021
— Hard Drive (@HardDriveMag) April 22, 2021
Long time players will surely enjoy the meme-level appeal of this Secret Lair. In lieu of art each card features the full rules text for basic lands being presented. Similar art has been done by community members so it seems that Hasbro has been listening to the comedic side of the community with this inclusion.
Our Show Is On Friday, Can You Make It? If you can't it's cool, you can preorder our drop at starting April 26.
— MTG Secret Lair (@MTGSecretLair) April 22, 2021
The third Secret Lair that was announced was styled after concert posters you might find at your local concert venue. Commander staples including Nature's Lore
The interview announcing this edition of the Secret Lair details the connections made between Magic: the Gathering and the style influencing the art.
Wrapping up the Secret Lair announcements, we go directly to Wizards of the Coast.
Welcome to Dr. Lair's Secretorium! Gasp in amazement at a bevy of lands ranging from the sesquipedalian to the otherworldly! See unbelievable spells borrowed from #MTGStrixhaven's famous Mystical Archive! Plus: live music!
View the wonders here:
— MTG Secret Lair (@MTGSecretLair) April 22, 2021
The Dr. Lair's Secretorium we see a new art for coveted shocklands in Alara shard color sets. Five separate options for three shocklands including one enemy color shock like Breeding Pool
These Secret Lair drops come in at $29.99 give players an opportunity to pick up three of these highly played lands. Considering each of these lands typically are in the $15-20+ range each, this drop represents a very good value for players.
What a week of announcements it has been! With the diversity of both cards and styles in the Secret Lair announcements alone there has been a ton of excitement in discussions today. What do you find yourself the most excited about with the Secret Lair offerings? Let us know below!