Legends Legends - Lady Orca
Can you make an interesting deck when the commander is nothing but flavor text? Jeff Dunn gets it done with Lady Orca!
Jeff's almost as old as Magic itself, and can't remember a time when he didn't own any trading cards. His favorite formats are Pauper and Emperor, and his favorite defunct products are the Duel Decks. Follow him on Twitter for tweets about Mono Black Ponza in Pauper, and read about his Kitchen Table League and more at dorkmountain.net
Can you make an interesting deck when the commander is nothing but flavor text? Jeff Dunn gets it done with Lady Orca!
Peppery Commanders are the commanders you love to see set up across the table from you. So which are the best ones?
Angus Mackenzie is a fog on a stick and one of the first Bant legendary creatures ever printed. How does he hold up in Commander today?
Love awkward rule zero discussions? Read up on the 10 saltiest commanders in Magic, each one more frustrating than the last.
Vaevictis Asmadi is the first of the Elder Dragons. Torch your foes with dragon fire in this Vaevictis Asmadi Commander deck!
Mel commanders are lauded as the best-designed legendaries, or as perfect enablers for digging out edge case interactions. Here are the top ten!
Sivitri Scarzam and her dragons ran rampant over Mangara. See how you can build an entire deck around this classic Commander!
What would Magic be without the lore? Find out the ten best commanders for Vorthos players who care about the story more than anything else!
The sinister Devilboon raises an army of Minor Demons from the abyss to do his bidding! Dive into this retro Boris Devilboon Commander deck!
Spikes love winning at all costs. How do we square that with a casual format like Commander? Let's dig into some spicy Spike Commander decks!
His abilities are confusing, he's incredibly fragile, and he makes dream counters. Who else but Rasputin Dreamweaver?
Johnny and Jenny are one of Magic's major player archetypes. Check out some of the best creatures to lead a combo-centric Commander deck!
Lead your legion of Sand Warriors to victory in this Hazezon Tamar Commander deck!
Why play powerful cards or assemble complex combos when you could embrace your inner Timmy with Demons and Dragons and Dinosaurs?
Take up the Blackblade in this Legends themed Dakkon Blackblade Commander deck guide! Delve into the iconic legendary creatures from the 90s!