How to Lose in cEDH
Harvey McGuinness discusses losing in cEDH and how best to learn from mistakes and failures.
Harvey McGuinness is a student at Johns Hopkins University who has been playing Magic since the release of Return to Ravnica. After spending a few years in the Legacy arena bouncing between Miracles and other blue-white control shells, he now spends his time enjoying Magic through cEDH games and understanding the finance perspective.
Harvey McGuinness discusses losing in cEDH and how best to learn from mistakes and failures.
How valuable are clone effects in cEDH? Harvey McGuinness looks at everything from the humble Phantasmal Image to the mighty Sakashima.
Harvey McGuinness breaks down the most valuable reprints in Commander Masters with one important message: buy singles!
How much weight do cEDH players put on the importance of their commanders? Harvey McGuinness breaks it down.
cEDH is a proxy friendly format, but not all playgroups see it that way and plenty of tournaments require real cards. So what should you buy?
How familiar are you with the stax archetype in cEDH? Harvey McGuinnes breaks down the key functions and tenets of these decks.
How important is the combat step in a game of cEDH? Harvey McGuinness gives the ins and outs of competitive combat.
Are cantrips worth their slot in competitive EDH? Harvey ways in and gives his thoughts on whether or not they should see play.
cEDH is all about being competitive, but that does mean you have to use established lists? Harvey McGuinness speaks up in defense of homebrews.
It draws cards, it stops Thassa's Oracle, and you can even use it as an infinite outlet. Will Faerie Mastermind make waves in cEDH?
It's a staple in most eternal formats, but how often do you see Lightning Bolt in cEDH? Harvey re-evaluates one of Magic's most iconic cards.
There's no room for superfriends in cEDH, but that doesn't mean individual Planeswalkers can't be powerful!
Are deals in cEDH worth making? You'll see people shaking hands in traditional commander, but can a deal be competitive?
The Power Nine are among Magic's most famous and most powerful cards. Does cEDH have an equivalent? What are the nine most broken cEDH cards?
Arcane Denial isn't common in cEDH, but Harvey McGuinness suggests it might be time to reevaluate this two mana counterspell.