Dueling Deck Techs: Self-Discard
Forcing your opponents to discard might be frowned upon, but nobody will complain if you make yourself discard!
Ciel got into Magic as a way to flirt with a girl in college and into Commander at their bachelor party. They’re a Vorthos and Timmy who is still waiting for an official Theros Beyond Death story release. In the meantime, Ciel obsesses over Commander precons, deck biomes, and deckbuilding practices. Naya forever.
Forcing your opponents to discard might be frowned upon, but nobody will complain if you make yourself discard!
Ciel Collins runs us through everything there is to know about equipment and all the synergies the major equipment colors have.
Start counting counters and growing your creatures to unnatural sizes with this analysis of the +1/+1 counter theme in Commander.
Approach one theme from three different angles with this guide to various life gain strategies in Commander.
Equip your deck with some colorful Spellslinging all-stars for your next brew session.
Ciel looks at Planeswalker heavy Commander decks from three different angles in One Theme Three Techs: Planeswalkers!
Want to appreciate the best worldbuilding and storytelling that Magic has to offer in bite-sized form? Check out this top ten!
What kind of draft archetypes have blue green decks had over the years? Ciel Collins investigates Simic in the final archetype analysis!
Vehicles, equipment, beating face and working as a team - Boros has had everything aggressive in its long history of draft archetypes.
From graveyard synergies to creature death payoffs to midrange strategies of every kind, Golgari has always had distinct draft archetypes. Ciel goes through them all!
Ciel Collins goes over the history of Izzet draft archetypes, from surge to convoke to energy and all things spell slinger!
Gaining life, taking life, draining life, sacrificing creatures, and so much more - Ciel examines the history of Orzhov draft archetypes!
Gaining life, casting enormous creatures, creating tokens and placing counters - Which is your favorite Selesnya draft archetype?
What else does Gruul do other than care about power and go smash? Find out in this history of Gruul draft archetypes over the years.
How have Rakdos draft archetypes changed over the course of Magic's history? Ciel Collins dives in deep with black red Limited decks.
Ciel examines the long history of Dimir draft archetypes throughout Magic.
How have draft archetypes for blue and white decks changed over the years? Ciel Collins dives into a history of Azorius cards.
Sagas are now a frequent feature in Magic set design, but how have they evolved from their first appearance in Dominaria?
Ajani hasn't always had an easy run of things, and Ciel Collins is here to chronicle the worst five things that ever happened to the big cat.
Some Magic planes come back every few years and others are seen once and never again. Ever wondered why?
Auras have been a part of Magic since the game first launched in 1993. But how have they changed over the last 31 years?
How did Equipment cards go from useless to broken and back to useless before becoming just another part of Magic?
Looking to Stella Lee for a wild ride? Then check out this deck tech for the new legend from Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
Why were all artifacts colorless to start with and what happened to change that? Ciel Collins investigates!
The characters are boring! The story is contrived! The Magic story was so much better back in my day! So how come it keeps chugging along?
Ciel Collins goes over the history of Magic's most beloved romance: Chandra and Nissa.
Blue is the color of cerebral plays and analysis, and Jace embodies that... most of the time. Is he stupid?
Planeswalkers: once Magic’s most exciting card type and exclusively found in the mythic rare slot, now relegated to a single card per set.