Am I The Bolas? - Wipe, Wipe, Wipe, Wipe, Wipe, Wipe

Bring the Ending | Illustrated by LA Draws
Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?" Whether it's because of a mean play or even just getting bored with your playgroup, I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email!
I'm Mark Carbonza, and previews for Aftermath are also done and we can get our hands on cards!
I'm celebrating by raising my enemy's bones above my head!
This week's story: how much is too much?
(Edited for clarity, brevity, spelling, italicizing, style guide elements, etc. Howdy, readers! It's fun that you read this part too!)
Hello Mark! I'll preface this with I am sure I am the Bolas.
A week or so ago I sat down with a few friends at my house to play some Commander. I was playing Kenrith, the Returned King
My opponents were the infamous Zagras, Thief of Heartbeats
After getting my colors online early, I befriended everyone by casting Folio of Fancies
After everyone had roughly 20-plus cards in hand, I made my move: I used Wrong Turn
This didn't sit well with the Zagras player, who blew up the Folio and everyone's maximum hand size with it. I proceed to use Wishclaw Talisman
Alright, that was a a lot I know. The question is was I in the wrong for board wiping at every opportunity (total of six during the game: 1x Coercive Portal
-Nate the Great
Hey! Thanks so much for writing in! A lot of you wrote in this week so it will take a while to get through these, but I cannot tell you enough how much it means to me that you are sharing your stories or sending me Reddit post threads for me to comment on. It really, really, really means a ton. Thank you so much. If you have one, is ready for you.
Alright, let's get down to it.
*clears throat*
Sorry, I needed a sec.
Six board wipes is a lot for any game at all. It extends the game into likely its third hour. Six board wipes coming from one player, though? That's insane. Not just any board wipe either, it's gotta be Farewell
I have to commend you on noting that you need more win conditions, and I hope that since writing in you have included some. It's a five-colour deck, and while the theme is political and about voting, I recommend even more than just Approach of the Second Sun
I say all this because as much as I can appreciate a challenge of beating a nonstop beating of the board, having everything get wiped away over and over with no way to rebuild, that's just not a great time to play against.
However, taking a look at your list, it just seems like it allows many varied games and it feels unlikely that this is a common occurrence. If you find that it is, I guarantee that popping in a different wipe instead of Farewell
This story, though? Yeah, Bolas for sure. BUT! You were playing to your outs! That's a good thing if you could secure a win, try it out. But if you're trying to have a good time for yourself and everybody, this would have my head in my palms.
This is a tough one to evaluate, because yeah, sure, you did the right thing by the situation. But in retrospect, Nathan, it's not fun!
Thanks again for writing in! I really appreciate you and can't wait to jam some games someday!