Am I The Bolas? - We Come in Peace!

Sen Triplets | Illustrated by Greg Staples
Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?" Whether it's because of a mean play or even just getting bored with your playgroup, I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email!
I'm Mark Carbonza, the raised oil slick collector's edition foil borderless version.
This week, is there a way to make a commander less scary?
(Email edited for brevity, clarity, spelling, adding that thing where you can see the cards if you hover over them.)
Oh hi Salut, Mark!
I have made a Sen Triplets
Here's my list:
I want to play it with people I've played with for seven months now who I get along well with, so I brought the deck a few times to show them what to expect. My hope was it would put them at ease and they could evaluate how powerful it is, but so far no luck. My question is, can a commander like Sen Triplets ever have an underwhelming-enough deck to play, or is it doomed to be cringed at and be met with "maybe next week when I bring a different deck"? I like the challenge of having a scary commander that's trying to be political with helping others draw, etc.
Many thanks from a frequent Gor Muldrak, Amphinologist
I followed up with Bryce and asked about his tutor package and this is what he said:
Tutors are fine with the folks I play with, but that's understandable for others not to be keen on them in a singleton format, so I can try replacing them with generic card draw. I tutor/Transmute just for Celestial Dawn
Thanks so much for writing in! (If you, the reader, would like to write to me, please email your story to
I love this question. I think it speaks to parts of Commander I really love, such as finding unique ways to experience the game and trying to make a square peg round.
Sen Triplets
And I understand! I built my deck for me to play it! Why should you get to play my deck? And the reason is because it's possible. Because this game we love is varied and evolving and strange and ever-changing. Every Commander game is new. Unless you're playing with basically only tutors or you're playing with redundancy cranked to the max, Commander is a high-variance format and that's super appealing to me.
So if I sit down and someone takes control of me for a turn, it is what it is. If I really hate it, I can ask to face down another deck or find another pod. Surely, with repeated exposure to a certain commander yielding similar results every time, I'll grow to dislike a commander entirely.
So we come to your question: how do we make those scary commanders more palatable and less scary? Is it possible?
Yeah, absolutely. Lenny Wooley does it in each article of Power Sink over at EDHREC.
You've found part of the way, at least! Find a very unique strategy and employ it to the utmost. This doesn't always work, though. For example, I have a friend whose Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
That said, with Sen Triplets
Managing what people think of you and your playstyle is important to your ability to show that you can pull off this experiment of a less scary version of a commander. I've seen my fair share of situations where I pull up to an LGS and get introduced to the "not-that-kind-of Muldrotha, the Gravetide
So build the trust necessary to not be the target and when you are, it's water off a duck's back. You have to be chill because these are people who have likely been hurt by the commander you've chosen before. Show them through action, show them your deck before beginning the game, or run it by your playgroup if that's who you're going to be playing against.
All in all, enjoy the surprises that will emerge from your new deck while also being receptive to the possibility that a deck led by Sen Triplets
I appreciate you asking because this means that you're taking your opponents' wants and needs into account and that's very kind. Just don't forget that your fun is important, too.
I look forward to hearing how this goes! Thanks again!