Am I The Bolas? - Vibes are Off

Feeling of Dread Illustrated by John Stanko
Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?"
I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email! You might see your story in the column. You might even hear it on the podcast. Which podcast?
I'm Mike Carrozza, aka Mark Carbonza, the guy who's done with the snow already
This week, this dynamic feels off! But first...
I'm coming to Chicago! I've been selected to be a featured creator at MagicCon Chicago!
If you get your badges for the Con here, you'd be helping me out!
That means that next month I will be at MagicCon Chicago hanging out and playing games. I'm there to meet anybody and everybody who wants to meet me and sling some cardboard. I don't know what decks I'll be bringing, but if there are any you'd like me to bring, I'm open to suggestions! I'll also be in Chicago early so I can perform stand-up comedy at various spots around town. Chicago is an incredible comedy city. It's my favorite place to perform. Come out to a show, come hang at the Con; I can't wait to meet all of you.
Anyway, let's get back to what you're really here for.
(Post edited for brevity, clarity, and then some.)
I actually just came across your column and read some articles and really enjoyed your work.
This is something that's been bothering me with my current pod that I'm on break from. This is multilayered, so I will try to be detailed. I just want to know, am I tripping or should I find another pod?
Thank you for writing in and asking me to weigh in on your story. As I mention every week, if folks don't write to me, there's no column, so if you, the reader, want to send me a story, whether it's your own or one from Reddit or a friend's, please send it to and I'll get to it here.
It's nice to have a bit of a lob to start out the year. This feels like a pretty easy case to decide. Also, how about that John Stank art in the header? Incredibly talented artist.
You decide what's worth your time and energy. If you're not a fan of their style of play and this one guy rubs you the wrong way, take time off from them for sure! If you don't feel like playing with them again, don't! That's the beauty of it. I have a short list of folks I don't like playing with at my LGS; perfectly fine people, just the wrong playstyle and power level. If you're not enjoying yourself, why keep doing this?
Magic's got a ton of people out there waiting for someone to join their pod. Plenty of communities online exist, and there's a bunch of great Discord servers teeming with folks who need a 4th to pop in. I'm certain you can find somewhere where the vibes are just right. I sometimes get games in with the folks in the EDHRECast Discord Server (a Patreon perk that's well worth it), and it's delightful. By joining these communities, you also gain access to a bunch of people who are invested enough in the game to want to have conversations about getting the right kind of game together.
However, if this were a situation where you felt like this was it and you wanted to mend or remedy things, it comes down to a conversation. As with most of the advice here at Am I The Bolas?, it's about having an honest chat. I understand that the dynamics are that you are the new guy, but at the table, we're equals.
Start a conversation. Express that this playstyle isn't really what does it for you and that this is why you've taken a leave from the group for a while. Let them know that a game where threat assessment is determined before the game essentially by some makeshift vote is not a game you enjoy.
Not the Bolas by any stretch. If you're not having a great time playing, trust and believe you can find the right folks to play with that'll make time zip quickly by.
Happy new year!