Am I The Bolas? - Kaalia Needs Cooling Off

Kaalia of the Vast Illustrated by Justyna Dura
Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?"
I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email! You might see your story in the column. You might even hear it on the podcast. Which podcast?
I'm Mike Carrozza, aka Mark Carbonza, the guy whose car just came back from the mechanic, but it looks different.
This week, games don't go your way.
I'm coming to Chicago! I've been selected to be a featured creator at MagicCon Chicago!
If you get your badges for the Con here, you'd be helping me out!
That means that next month I will be at MagicCon Chicago hanging out and playing games. I'm there to meet anybody and everybody who wants to meet me and sling some cardboard. I'll have more information soon. For now, follow me and the podcast at @mikecarrozza and @amithebolcast on Twitter and BlueSky.
Anyway, let's get back to what you're really here for.
(Post edited for brevity, clarity, and then some.)
Greetings Mike!
PS: A little update
With two of the players in the pod, I haven't seen them back at the store since that game went down. I haven't had a chance to follow up with those folks in person. I stayed away from the LGS for a couple of weeks to cool off.
Thank you for writing in and asking me to weigh in on your story. As I mention every week, if folks don't write to me, there's no column, so if you, the reader, want to send me a story, whether it's your own or one from Reddit or a friend's, please send it to and I'll get to it here.
Alright, Jeremy, let's talk about this. I think getting sleeves made for your LGS is very sweet and shows that you really like it there. That's very nice and I dig that. Embracing an LGS and your community is lovely.
We've covered in the past, many-a-time, that if you're not having fun, concede on your turn and maybe find another table or wait for the next game. That's fine. These are things we do.
You kept a flooded hand and a screwed hand in both games and unfortunately, the draws didn't break your way. It's fair to be bummed about it. But that's Magic, baby! That's how it goes sometimes. It can be frustrating, and I'm sure you've had games since then that were way more fun and went better, but there's something I'm stuck on here.
I can appreciate that you removed yourself from the pod because you felt upset. I can appreciate you not wanting to make a scene. In attempting not to make a scene, you made a scene, though. Enough for your podmates to show concern.
I'm done beating around the bush here. I don't think the Winter Orb could possibly be a play directed at you in particular. People who put Winter Orb in their decks are going to play that Winter Orb when it comes up. This almost certainly has nothing to do with you. Unless you were told, "Hey, I'm playing this to mess with you and you only because the rest of us have Seedborn Muses," then maybe I'd say you might have a point, but your outburst about misreading the table is misplaced anger. Doesn't make you a bad person, but it does, in the context of this column, make you a Bolas.
They have two other opponents who are likely doing things and trying to pop off, and Winter Orb players tend to know their moment. When you're taken down by it, that's icing on the cake after missing five turns' worth of setup. As far as the table is concerned at that point, it's unlikely that you would become a threat unless you had a burst of resources, but even then, other opponents likely have a way to curtail you.
When all is said and done, having a feeling doesn't make you the Bolas and your intentions definitely weren't Bolas quality from what I can read here, but I think accusing a player of misreading a board because you happen to be a casualty of their stax piece when there are other opponents to be wary of is an example of misreading the play as well.
Sorry, bud.