Am I The Bolas? - Deck's First Game

Reflector Mage |Illustrated by Willian Murai
Hello and welcome to Am I the Bolas?
This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in your story with all of its nuances so I can bring some clarity to all those asking, "Am I the Bolas?" Whether it's because of a mean play or even just getting bored with your playgroup, I'm ready to hear you out and offer advice. All you have to do is email!
I'm Mark Carbonza, the guy taking an absolute beating from Witty Roastmaster
"And his shirt doesn't even fit right!"
This week, what happens when a new deck surpasses your expectations?
(email edited for brevity, clarity, and anonymity)
Let's cut to it.
So I built an Azorius flash deck helmed by Ephara, God of the Polis
We all have the rule zero conversation, and I mention that I'm not sure what power level my deck is since I've never played it before, but I assure the other players that there is no stax or anything like that. About halfway through the game, I found out that I didn't put very many win conditions into my deck, and the more controlling nature of my deck started grinding the game down. One player in particular was upset at how I was continuously bouncing and flickering my Reflector Mage
Out of the two remaining players after the one player resigned, one of them was really vocally upset at how they couldn't do anything.
Ohhhhh, boy.
I've been there, buddy. It's not a great feeling. You build a deck and it's time for its debut, but because it's the first game, you don't really know how to evaluate it.
First games with decks are supposed to be learning experiences, which is true in this case: you learned that you have very few win conditions and that other players don't like being dropped to a stalled board state.
I'll tell you frankly, this happened in a game with my Aminatou, the Fateshifter
This reminds me of the very first Am I The Bolas? where the player writing in continued to bring back Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
In that article, I couldn't decide. They didn't have many choices, their deck wasn't doing the thing, Norn was the only thing keeping the others from popping off.
In this case, Reflector Mage
I can understand the player who scooped. I also can understand the vocally disappointed player who remained. Having to play cards only to have them bounced back and also disallowed the next turn is a frustrating experience. With no visible win condition or sign of one, playing against a controlling deck like this is more Sisyphean than Archenemy puzzle.
There was this guy at the first ever LGS I went to back when I started playing again. I didn't have a playgroup, I didn't know people who played Commander. I went to a little shop in Terrebonne (who've since sold to new owners, who are rad as hell - Shout out to Le Coin du Jeu) where I sat with people I'd never met before and played my first game of Commander outside of the few people I knew already.
One guy had been playing since Alpha and played an insanely powerful Erebos, God of the Dead
The one I remember less fondly is a guy who loved Trollface in rage comics (yeah, whatever, I'm 30).
For those unfamiliar with Trollface, it's this guy. A pain in everyone's butt who kills himself laughing about how annoying he's been. This li'l trash bag is so stoked when people are angry.
Playing in a three-player pod against me and the other new player, he pulled out his Zur the Enchanter
You weren't that guy. But I can see how it can feel a fraction of the way there. Blink shenanigans are powerful and lead to longer games. Azorius leads to games where people get to do less or have to deal with being interacted with more.
I don't think you were the Bolas intentionally, but after a while of flickering the Reflector Mage
This was the deck's first outing. Lots of lessons get learned in that first game and you definitely have shown us that you have learned some.
The ways in which you can improve the experience for yourself and your opponents would be to up the amount of wincons, even if it's as boring as Approach of the Second Sun
I bet the deck will find its footing and you'll have a great time playing it again in no time.
I believe in you and where your heart is at.
Thank you so much for writing in. I appreciate everybody who does so, so much. I also very much appreciate you reading.
Sound off in the comments about what your most frustrating game has been and show the Ephara Player they might not even have scratched the surface! Or maybe this is the worst thing you've heard? Let me know.
love you,
Mike I mean Mark it's always Mark.