A History Of Phallic Art In Magic: the Gathering

Armada Wurm by Volkan Baga
Ever noticed how much phallic Magic art there is?
There's been much ado about doodles in the world of Magic: the Gathering lately. It became major news when Wizards of the Coast announced the Secret Lair: Ssssssnakessssss printing of Stonecoil Serpent
A casual observer might think this incredible, a shocking case of Hasbro allowing genitalia into what is arguably a children's game, but keen-eyed art fans know Magic has a rather long and firm history of questionable artistic decisions...
The Blissful Nineties
Some have called the first decade of Magic "the golden age of doodles"1. You can pin this to less oversight and looser guidelines from Wizards, but it really comes down to one man: Robert Bliss.
Binding Agony

Be honest with yourself. You can't deny what you're looking at. It has everything; the shape, the shaft, the shift in color, even the detailing on the stone (or whatever this creature is cowering on top of) has a certain veiny quality to it.
Ekundu Cyclops

How many can you count? Ekundu Cyclops
Teferi's Curse

Okay fine, maybe Ekundu Cyclops
Withering Boon

Maybe it's a loincloth. It's tempting to give Bliss the benefit of the doubt, but the more of his art you look at, the more you realise his intentions go well beyond a reasonable doubt.

Possibly the most phamous phallus in the history of Magic: the Gathering. Mentally remove the arms and the head, and there's no question what's going on here. Polymorph

That means Bliss' signature is missing, but more importantly, it means the base of the "body" of this creature is cut out. You can only see its upper torso, far less suggestive than it was originally. Near as I can tell, this is the first example of Wizards changing art on account of its phallic qualities, a good 23 years prior to the recent Stonecoil Serpent debacle. Given it was last printed in M10, it's a safe bet the next time we see Polymorph
Maybe I sound like I'm reaching, stretching even, but take it from Sue Ann Harkey, art director at Wizards from Alliances through to Weatherlight:
"[Bliss] got me in so much trouble! Oh my god. Because Rob, being the naughty chap that he is, would put penises in everything. Nobody saw that penis for ages and ages until we printed millions of them. And ever since then, everyone looked for penises... and then I couldn't commission him any more.2" - Sue Ann Harkey
Academy Rector

Bliss almost has a monopoly on members, but Heather Hudson managed to sneak one in just before the turn of the century. I'd always heard there was something hiding in Academy Rector
"The model was an attractive middle-aged woman with long spidery hands, surgeon's hands, hands completely unlike my own sturdy proletarian paws, and as a long-time fool for drawing hands I wanted a chance to draw her.3" - Heather Hudson
The Naughty Noughties
Embermage Goblin

Embermage Goblin


Did Mark Zug really have to give Drill-Skimmer
Keening Banshee

Oh, you thought we wouldn't be seeing more Robert Bliss just because Sue Ann Harkey stopped commissioning him? Think again. Can you see it? It took me a moment. It's not that Keening Banshee
Snow-Covered Swamp #153

I count myself lucky enough to have seen real glaciers (I want to be able to describe them to my grandchildren), but I was never lucky enough to see one like this. They do exist, but I don't think they're exactly common. Given the shrinkage associated with cold weather, we can only imagine how big this Swamp
Witch-Maw Nephilim

Everything we've looked at so far is comical by comparison, a caricature of the real thing. Witch-Maw Nephilim
Siege Wurm

Given their usual shape, it would be easy to accuse all Wurms of being somewhat phallic, but some are more egregious than others. Siege Wurm

Whatever you think of the old art, if you think the new art is phallic, I'd wager there's something seriously wrong with the peckers you've been looking at.
Troubled Teens
Grappler Spider

You've heard of a third leg, but what about a ninth leg? Once you've seen it, it's hard to unsee Grappler Spider

I'm already running out of unique ways to say "hehe it looks like a Johnson", so I'll just note the first syllable rhymes with one of the less family-friendly euphemisms for willy.
Olivia Voldaren

Once you notice her legs and feet, there's only one conclusion you can draw: Olivia Voldaren
"That was a minor mistake on my part. One of the last things I did was open up that space around the hand a bit more so that it looked less bulky and more like hanging cloth from her hand. Unfortunately I accidentally saved it to my backup drive instead of the regular drive. When I sent the final to the Wizards it was the older version that didn't have that final minor tweak."4
A mistake indeed, but not a minor one, nor an unwelcome one.
Nearheath Stalker

Nearheath Stalker
Soulsworn Spirit

The Azorius of Ravnica are growers, not showers, and Soulsworn Spirit
Armada Wurm

What is it with Ravnica and wurms? Some will accuse me of seeing things that aren't there, but I challenge anyone to look at Armada Wurm
Gluttonous Cyclops

Gluttonous Cyclops
Island (Theros #236)

They call it Pen Island. It would need two boulders by the base to qualify as a full package, but near enough is good enough. That's what I tell myself anyway.
Drawn from Dreams

The fish on the left is a pretty standard looking fish, but I'm not sure we can say the same about the fish on the right. They usually have dome shaped heads, and the area below the mouth was surely meant to be gills, but that's not how I see it. What I'm looking at is the first underside angle of a tallywhacker ever to find its way onto a Magic card.
The Turgid Twenties
Piru (Pairoo), the Volatile

There's nothing phallic about Piru

This isn't the first time Brazilian Portuguese has caused translation problems: everyone's favorite meditation expert, Nicol Bolas, translates to "Nicol Balls" in the eyes of native speakers. That wouldn't be too much a problem (context is everything) where it not for all the cards that use "Bolas" in isolation.
All references to Bolas in Brazilian Portugese have to include Nicol as a prefix, lest conversations like "I will attack your Domri, Anarch of Balls with my Disciple of Balls" cause spontaneous fits of laughter. One can only hope we'll eventually see both dragons on the same card and they call it "Piru and Bolas".
Stonecoil Serpent

Which brings us finally, mercifully, to the most recent and undeniable offender: Stonecoil Serpent
Honorable Mentions
A comprehensive list of every card deemed "naughty" is outside the scope of this article, but I'd be remiss to forget some of the more suggestive art printed over the years. After all, you don't need to depict a phallus to imply one.
Clergy En-Vec

Presented without comment.
Frazzled Editer

This is the only time the word "penis" has ever been printed on a Magic card. Given it was printed almost twenty years ago, I'm starting to think it will be the last.
Daily Regimen

I can only think of one Daily Regimen
Serum Visions

I don't imagine there was anything intentional about this, but we're an immature bunch, we Magic players.
The Uktabi Orangutan Saga

I don't want to, but I'm going to give Fricker the benefit of the doubt. Monkeys sit like this all the time, there's nothing inherently sexual about sitting or standing behind someone. But that's when we're looking at the art up close, when we can make out the details. On the card itself is a different story, it's hard not to let your mind wander to the gutter.

The notion that the monkeys in the background of Uktabi Orangutan

Cause and effect dictated a baby, and after an 18-year gestation period, the natural conclusion arrived in the form of Kibo, Uktabi Prince
The Pen Is Mighty
The problem with looking for phallocentric art is that you end up a bit like Jim Carrey in 23: you start seeing what you're looking for everywhere. The above list is far from comprehensive; there are dozens more debatable dongs hiding in Magic art, many of which you'll find in your bulk box at home. If you'd like to see everything I missed, check out Scryfall's Phallic tag!
To the real question, why did I write this? No doubt, Freud would have a field day, but if nothing else I hope I've illustrated that the Secret Lair Stonecoil Serpent wasn't the first time a trouser snake was printed on a Magic card. It might be the most obvious, the most egregious, but it's just another in a long line of magical willys, whackers, and wieners. Either that, or I'm committing a terrible phallacy.