15 Best Goblin Cards for Commander

Chris Guest • February 8, 2025

Krenko, Mob Boss
by Karl Kopinski

Goblins Are Fun, Fast, and Expendable in the World of Magic: The Gathering Commander

If you've spent any amount of time playing Magic, you certainly have discovered those lovable little beasts that populate red decks: Goblins. These funny little fellas are an original Magic creature type that debuted all the way back in 1993 with the game's first set, Alpha, and this kindred favorite has continued to be popular across all formats throughout Magic's history.

But what are some of the best Goblin cards to use in Commander? Red's nominal mascot creature type in Magic does a lot of things well, and the synergies can spiral out of control quickly in a Commander pod under the right circumstances. So, read on to explore the 15 best Goblin cards for Commander!

Honorable Mentions

When it comes to playing with Gobbos, the name of the game is producing as many of these grubby little critters as possible, so many of the cards featured herein are focused on token production, mana acceleration, or employing those disposable beaters as sacrifice fodder for major gains.

Goblin Bombardment

Kicking off our honorable mentions is a card with "Goblin" right there in the name, but a card that is not technically a Goblin kindred card. While sacrificing Goblin creatures for boons is a major theme of Gobby Commander decks, this card isn't quite what we're going for with these lists. Still, notching an infinite combo with this, Putrid Goblin

, and Grumgully
is surely a sweet payoff.

Grumgully, the Generous
Putrid Goblin
Goblin Bombardment
+1 other prerequisite
Infinite damage
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Commander Spellbook


Goblin Recruiter

A rather rare Goblin kindred card that has seen scarce reprints since it debuted in 1997's Visions expansion, only being included in compilation sets such as Sixth Edition and Anthologies as well as the recent Mystery Booster 2. Being able to stack your deck with any number of Gobbies is surely a major payoff for this creature hitting the battlefield, but any forced shuffle or milling thwarts your plans; unless, of course, you can draw all those cards with...

Zada, Hedron Grinder

This card might be better suited to an article titled "The Best Pauper Goblin Commanders," as this card that debuted as a rare in 2015's Battle for Zendikar but was downgraded to uncommon starting in Masters 25 certainly fits that bill. Of course, if you can pair this card with any number of red mana-ramping spells (a la Seething Song

or Battle Hymn
) and one-mana cantrips (like Might of the Meek
, Ancestral Anger
and the like), it truly sings, and it pairs beautifully with many other cards on this list.

Wort, the Raidmother

This legendary Gruul Goblin was originally printed all the way back in 2008's Shadowmoor expansion, and it serves as another exceptional pairing with a Goblin commander that's focused on spell manipulation. Combining this six-mana Gobbo with, say, Zada

or Guttersnipe
means you'll be doming your opponent for whopping sums of damage rather quickly using this card's conspire-granting ability.

The 15 Best Goblin Cards for Commander

15. Goblin Piledriver

Hailing from a classic kindred set, 2002's Onslaught, Goblin Piledriver

was a major power player in Standard decks from the era, which were focused on getting as many Gobbies in play as possible and then profiting from this card's second ability that boosts its power based on the number of other attacking Gobs.

In a Commander game, the Piledriver

's power will surely skyrocket to preposterous proportions, allowing you to (hopefully) swing at multiple players at a time for lethal damage... so long as your board is chock full of those lovely, grubby little Gobbos.

14. Goblin Trashmaster

This Goblin lord from Magic's Core Set 2019 boasts an impressive median market value of over $7, which is quite high for a normal rare from a Core Set. Perhaps it's because this card slots so perfectly into any Goblin Commander deck that wants to hose artifact strategies, which, frankly, should be most.

Being able to sac one of your own Gobby tokens in order to destroy an opponent's powerhouse artifact combo piece or game-warping colorless permanent is quite an impactful trade-off, so if you keep losing to Chimil, the Inner Sun

or The Immortal Sun
(or other, non-Sun-related artifacts), nab a copy of this bruiser and profit mightily.

13. Grumgully, the Generous

While the rest of the cards on this list are mono-red (spoiler alert), due to that being the main color that Goblins have always been associated with, this list surely wouldn't be complete without this universal Metallic Mimic

that pairs with Goblins like gruyere does with a nice chardonnay.

As a top-tier Commander combo-enabler for Gobbies, Grumgully

is second to none, and it helps that this Goblin Shaman is equally as comfortable leading the charge as your commander as he is nestled amongst the 99 in Gruul decks.

12. Siege-Gang Lieutenant

Debuting as part of the Modern Horizons 3 Commander bonus sheet is this riff on the original Siege-Gang Gobby, Siege-Gang Commander

from Scourge. Of course, seeing as this card is designed for Commander play and seeing how power creep has impacted Magic over the years, this card is rather pushed for Goblin players.

As if getting two free 1/1 Goblins as long as your commander is in play wasn't enough, this card also boasts a similar activated ability to his Commander: pay two colorless mana and sac a Gob in order to deal one damage to any target. Combine this with any number of other cards on this list, and you could quite easily whittle a foe down to zero life after a few attacks or some token-generating shenanigans.

11. Battle Cry Goblin

Mana sinks are always an interesting fallback option. Sometimes, the best-laid plans go awry, your hand is empty, and you want to have something on the board that can accrue value for you by simply turning your lands sideways. Enter this Adventures in the Forgotten Realms uncommon.

While this card's "pack tactics" ability is certainly nifty (gifting you a free 1/1 Gob if your attacking creatures' powers are equal to six or more), it's this card's one red and one colorless activated ability that truly shines: being able to give haste and a healthy boost to all of your Goblins' powers can sometimes end a game (for one player, at least) on the spot.

10. Guttersnipe

Adding a "spells matter" theme to your Goblin deck can pay huge dividends depending on who your commander is, and this unassuming little "outcast boy or girl in the streets of a city" (which is the definition of the word guttersnipe) is one of the main reasons why.

One of the best phrases in all of Magicdom for Commander players is "each opponent," and this card, which debuted in 2012's Return to Ravnica, shocks all of your foes for two damage every time you cast an instant or sorcery, which should be a lot if you build your deck correctly.

9. Goblin Matron

Tutors are an eminently useful card type. When they're tacked onto a creature, they can become even more effective due to recursion, bounce, and flicker effects. While Goblin Recruiter

's ability allows you to stack your deck and reap the benefits of myriad Gobbos down the line, Goblin Matron
puts a Goblin from your deck straight into your hand for immediate employment.

The first main series printing of Goblin Matron

was in the overpowered Urza's Saga with brilliant artwork from legendary artist DiTerlizzi and some spectacularly on-brand flavor text: "There's always room for one more." Brilliant design all-around for a card that remains a supremely important utility card in Commander Goblin decks.

8. Goblin Chieftain

The first Goblin lord, Goblin King

, debuted all the way back in Magic's first set, Alpha, and provided +1/+1 boost to power and toughness and mountainwalk to all other Goblins on the battlefield (that meant both yours and your opponents'). While still a decent boost, lords have been given stronger, more one-sided abilities over the year, with Goblin Chieftain
from core set Magic 2010 showcasing that power creep perfectly.

One thing that makes Goblins exponentially more powerful is haste, so giving that boon plus a power and toughness boost makes this lord a top-flight option in Commander pods for any Goblin player. When combined with various other cards on this list, hasty Goblins become downright silly, so there's no question that this iconic Goblin lord earns its spot in the top 10.

7. Rundvelt Hordemaster

A more recent Goblin lord, this small yet mighty Goblin hails from 2022's Dominaria United, which unveiled a kindred lord in each color for a variety of iconic creature types, including Merfolk

and Elves
. The Goblin lord from that cycle is this two-mana 1/1 that provides a potent power and toughness boost as well as an inspiring ability that replaces any Goblins that might perish in the line of duty.

Being able to cast the top card of your library - as long as it's a Goblin - is eminently useful for Goblin decks that often care about getting as many bodies onto the battlefield as possible with ruthless expediency. Paying you off for sacrificing your own Gobbos is the fiery cherry on top.

6. Treasure Nabber

If there's one thing that Commander players love, it's mana rocks. Whether you're just starting out in the format or have been playing since the early days, investing (both financially and gameplay-wise) in artifacts that tap for mana - thus accelerating your mana production - are pretty much de rigeur for Commander pods.

So what happens when WotC prints a card that steals those mana-ramping artifacts from all of your foes until the end of your next turn? Treasure Nabber

happens! This degenerate Gobbo "borrows" all of your foes' mana-producing artifacts when they get tapped, allowing you to absolutely pop off with beaucoup mana taken from your foes' mana rocks, likely leading you to a massive turn that might potentially end the game on the spot.

5. Goblin Warchief

Goblin lords have come a long way over the years, with myriad new ones seemingly being released every few years. However, the best one of all time might just be this uncommon Gobbo lord that debuted all the way back in 2003's Scourge set (which was the final Magic set to feature the iconic "vintage" card frame).

Combining that beloved haste keyword with a critical cost reduction of Goblin spells you play by one colorless mana, Goblin Warchief

immediately vaulted Goblins into the limelight of excellence in Standard, and this card remains a potent threat for kindred Goblin decks in Commander. Just look at all the Gobbies with activated abilities to see how powerful the haste keyword as well as cost reduction can be in the right scenario.

4. Fable of the Mirror-Breaker

While this spot would once have been reserved for the card that this one was based on (the legendary Gobbo Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker

), it simply doesn't hold a candle to this Saga from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty. Sure, it might stretch the definition of what a Goblin is, but it has to qualify, as both sides of this card produce a Goblin creature, either in token form on the front or as a zero-mana-value enchantment creature on the backside.

This card was so eminently strong when it was legal in Standard that it had to be banned, as there was simply no downside for any midrange deck that featured the color red to include it. In Commander, it's not quite the meta-warping powerhouse it was in Standard, but the sheer value it produces is simply too high to ignore for any self-respecting Goblin enthusiast.

3. Skirk Prospector

As we've learned, the aim of Goblin decks is to create a critical mass of Gobbos on your side of the field and then attack for lethal after dabbling in combat tricks, combos, or any other shenanigans that cash in all those little beasties into an unstoppable value train that overwhelms your opponent.

One major engine for these strategies is this unassuming common Goblin creature that debuted in Magic's 2002 kindred bonanza Onslaught. Being able to sacrifice Goblins for red mana might not seem overpowered, but due to the way Goblin strategies tend to snowball, providing a slightly more destructive red version of Llanowar Elves

is often enough to help Goblin decks outspeed opponents with ease.

2. Muxus, Goblin Grandee

While Goblins are normally associated with low mana values and speed, Muxus, Goblin Grandee

from 2020's Jumpstart release actually costs a staggering - by Goblin standards, anyway - to cast. Of course, the payoff for resolving this in Goblin decks is massive, as when it enters, you get to nab all of the Goblins with mana value five or less from the top six cards of your library and plop them directly into play.

On MTG Arena, casting this card in Brawl is normally enough to lead to a scoop from your foe's side of the table, and in Commander this card somehow always seems to find the top card on this list or various Goblin lords that boost your Goblin army's power and toughness en masse. Muxus

: a grandee, indeed.

1. Krenko, Mob Boss

Most games end with a boss fight, and a round of Commander played against a Goblin deck is no exception, as the best-ever Goblin card for Commander is the inimitable Krenko, Mob Boss

. Originally hailing from the core set Magic 2013, Krenko
quickly became a major factor for Goblin decks of all stripes, as his ability practically begged to be included in any number of Gobbo-based strategies.

In Commander, resolving one of these bad boys (or having one put into play via more nefarious means, such as with Muxus

) is often enough for you to pull well ahead of your opponents on board. Of course, if your deck is stacked (literally if you've cast Goblin Recruiter
) with strength-boosting Goblin lords and other cards that synergize perfectly with Krenko
- you should be well on your way to a flavorful and fun victory via red mages' favorite familiars.

s Unite!

Goblins are a joy to play with and are often shockingly competitive under the right circumstances (looking at you budget Modern Goblin deck led by Goblin Bushwhacker

and Reckless Bushwhacker
). A Goblin kindred commander deck might draw some sneers and guffaws when you sit down for a round of Commander, but you'll surely be the last one laughing when your mighty horde of Gobbos overwhelms the entire table with ease thanks to the powerhouse Goblins on this list. Thanks for reading and happy brewing!

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Writer, editor, Pokémon master, MTG enthusiast. Freelance Writer at Destructoid and Contributor to Commander's Herald and Cardsphere. Just as comfortable flopping cards as he is strumming a guitar.